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Famalicão joins Earth Hour

The City Council of Vila Nova de Famalicão joins this Saturday, March 26, to the Earth Hour, but this time it will not limit itself to turning off the lights of some of the city's main buildings and monuments.

This year, the municipality led by Mário Passos challenges famalicenses to come to the City Council, with a pillow, a blanket and good mood, and to express themselves for a more sustainable world with a candlelight conversation, without technological noise.

In addition to this moment, which is scheduled for 20h30, and as in previous years, the municipality will also switch off the lights, indoors and outdoors, of some of the city's emblematic buildings: Paços do Concelho building and gardens, Camillian Studies Centre, Palacete Barão da Trovisqueira/Bernardino Machado Museum, Casa da Cultura and Largo do Eixidos, Casa da Juventude, Casa do Território and the Cupertino Miranda Foundation.

It should be noted that "Earth Hour" is a global movement against climate change that unites millions of people around the world and that takes place annually since 2007. Earth Hour 2022 is dedicated to the theme "Restoring Nature".
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