Local Centres to Support Immigrants’ Integration
Strategic Planning, Economy and Internationalisation Division
Praça Álvaro Marques
4764-502 V.N. Famalicão
T. 00351 252 320 900
E. claim@famalicao.pt
The Local Centre to Support Immigrant’s Integration (CLAIM) in Famalicão was created with the objective of promoting a close integration and promoting an integrated service.
CLAIM are decentralised reception, information and support offices, with links to the National Immigrant Support Centres (CNAIM), present in Lisbon and Oporto, which aim to help immigrant citizens to respond to situations of migration:
- Regularization of the migratory situation;
- Nationality;
- Family Regrouping;
- Residence; Job;
- Social security;
- Voluntary Return;
- Health; Education;
- Vocational Training;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Support for Associativism;
- Others
To go beyond information and support the process of reception and integration of immigrants at local level, which involves multiple facets and vectors, to which immigrants must be alerted.
It seeks to foster an ever fuller integration of immigrant citizens into Portuguese society, within such key areas such as:
- Education;
- Labour market;
- Health;
- Initial reception of immigrants;
- Raising public awareness;
- Involvement in local life;
- Other activities in the field of Interculturalism.
CLAIM are decentralised reception, information and support offices, with links to the National Immigrant Support Centres (CNAIM), present in Lisbon and Oporto, which aim to help immigrant citizens to respond to situations of migration:
- Regularization of the migratory situation;
- Nationality;
- Family Regrouping;
- Residence; Job;
- Social security;
- Voluntary Return;
- Health; Education;
- Vocational Training;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Support for Associativism;
- Others
To go beyond information and support the process of reception and integration of immigrants at local level, which involves multiple facets and vectors, to which immigrants must be alerted.
It seeks to foster an ever fuller integration of immigrant citizens into Portuguese society, within such key areas such as:
- Education;
- Labour market;
- Health;
- Initial reception of immigrants;
- Raising public awareness;
- Involvement in local life;
- Other activities in the field of Interculturalism.