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Camilo House Museum. Study Centre

Avenida de S. Miguel, 758
4770-631 S. Miguel de Seide

P: 00351 252 327 186

Museum Opening hours:
Tuesday - Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm

10:30 am – 12:30 am
2:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Closed on Mondays and holidays

Study Centre
Monday to Friday:
10:00 am - 5h30 pm

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Free Admission
Camilo House is the oldest House Museum in Portugal, opened to the public in 1921. The Camilo House, thus named due to the fact that it was once the home of Camilo Castelo Branco, was built by Manuel Pinheiro Alves, Ana Plácido's first husband, in the first half of the. Nineteenth century, when he returned from Brazil in possession of a large fortune. Camilo Castelo Branco shared the house with Ana Plácido for about 26 years, from the winter of 1863 until his suicide, in 1890.

Considered the most important memento of Camilo, the Camilo House gained a historical significance of fundamental importance for the deep knowledge of the life and work of the writer, each visit constituting a renewed invitation to read Camilo and a bet on the permanence of culture and Portuguese language that his work is such a singular statement.

The Study Centre, created in 1985, was endowed in 2005 with its own space, a building by the architect Álvaro Siza Vieira, with the aim of boosting the didactic and pedagogical action of Camilo House and making the vast heritage of the institution, in the fields of bibliography, handwritten documentation, iconography and plastic arts.

Classified as a Property of Public Interest since 1978. Member of the Portuguese Museum Network since 2001 and was distinguished by the Portuguese Museum Association with the "Prize for Best Portuguese Museum - 2006".
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