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Brief News


Famalicão Town Hall has supported the installation of 10 ATMs in parishes

Since 2022, Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council has supported ten parishes in the municipality in the construction and installation of ATMs. Municipal financial support to guarantee this essential service to the population has already exceeded 130,000 euros.

Over the last two years, the support granted by the Famalicense municipality has covered the parishes of Brufe, Castelões, Cruz, Landim, Mogege, Oliveira Santa Maria, Vermoim and the Parish Unions of Gondifelos, Cavalões and Outiz, and Esmeriz and Cabeçudos.

It should be noted that at the last meeting of the municipal executive, which took place on 22 February, support was approved for the construction of two more structures to install an ATM, this time in the parishes of Requião and Vermoim, in a municipal investment of around 30,000 euros.

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