Communication / News
Brief News


Second-hand clothing fair livens up in Famalicão’s Praça

"Out of the Closet" is a second-hand clothing fair that will take place in Praça – Municipal Market of Vila Nova de Famalicão, on the last Saturdays of each month. The first fair will be held on 29 January, between 16:00 and 20:00.

Those interested should make their registration until day 22 January, by completing a form, available on the Instagram page of the event, under the name @outofthecloset_market. Registration is limited to 20 vacancies.

Affirming itself as a Textile City, Vila Nova de Famalicão framed this initiative in the development of a more circular economy aimed at reducing textile waste. The event comes with the impetus of two famalicenses Andreia Pinheiro and Inês Ferreira.
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