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Brief News
Second-hand clothing fair livens up in Famalicão’s Praça
"Out of the Closet" is a second-hand clothing fair that will take place in Praça – Municipal Market of Vila Nova de Famalicão, on the last Saturdays of each month. The first fair will be held on 29 January, between 16:00 and 20:00.
Those interested should make their registration until day 22 January, by completing a form, available on the Instagram page of the event, under the name @outofthecloset_market. Registration is limited to 20 vacancies.
Affirming itself as a Textile City, Vila Nova de Famalicão framed this initiative in the development of a more circular economy aimed at reducing textile waste. The event comes with the impetus of two famalicenses Andreia Pinheiro and Inês Ferreira.
Those interested should make their registration until day 22 January, by completing a form, available on the Instagram page of the event, under the name @outofthecloset_market. Registration is limited to 20 vacancies.
Affirming itself as a Textile City, Vila Nova de Famalicão framed this initiative in the development of a more circular economy aimed at reducing textile waste. The event comes with the impetus of two famalicenses Andreia Pinheiro and Inês Ferreira.
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