Communication /
Brief News
Famalicão promotes meetings on training and employment in strategic sectors
The City Council of Vila Nova de Famalicão, in partnership with IEFP - Institute for Employment and Vocational Training and the Local Education and Training Network, will promote in March 4th "Training and Employment Meetings", dedicated to the sectors of Metallurgy and Metalworking, Agro-food, Textile and Clothing and Civil Construction.
The main objectives of these initiatives are to inform and empower entrepreneurs and educational entities about the public employment and vocational training measures available and to promote closer links between schools and the business fabric.
The first meeting takes place this Wednesday, March 9, at 17h00, at Casa das Artes de Famalicão, with entrepreneurs from the metalworking industry, with Rafael Campos Pereira and David Rodrigues from AIMMAP - Associação dos Industriais Metalúrgicos, Metalomecânicos e Afins de Portugal as guests.
On March 16th, the forum is on the Agro-Food sector, on 23 March the analysis is on the Textile and Clothing sector and on March 31st with executives from the Civil Construction sector.
It should be noted that these are four strategic sectors in the municipality of Famalicão, where the convergence between the needs of the labour market and the training of employees is considered fundamental for the growth of employability and, consequently, of the region's economy.
More information and registrations at
The main objectives of these initiatives are to inform and empower entrepreneurs and educational entities about the public employment and vocational training measures available and to promote closer links between schools and the business fabric.
The first meeting takes place this Wednesday, March 9, at 17h00, at Casa das Artes de Famalicão, with entrepreneurs from the metalworking industry, with Rafael Campos Pereira and David Rodrigues from AIMMAP - Associação dos Industriais Metalúrgicos, Metalomecânicos e Afins de Portugal as guests.
On March 16th, the forum is on the Agro-Food sector, on 23 March the analysis is on the Textile and Clothing sector and on March 31st with executives from the Civil Construction sector.
It should be noted that these are four strategic sectors in the municipality of Famalicão, where the convergence between the needs of the labour market and the training of employees is considered fundamental for the growth of employability and, consequently, of the region's economy.
More information and registrations at
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