Communication / News
Brief News


Famalicenses can contribute to the strategic plan for urban waste management until February 4

Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council is receiving contributions for the Strategic Plan for Urban Waste, which will be in force until 2030. The public participation period runs until 4 February, and residents can make their contribution by filling in an anonymous form, available on the municipality's website, here.

It should be noted that the Strategic Plan for Municipal Waste in Vila Nova de Famalicão 2030 (PAPERSU 30) is a document that is in the process of being drawn up and which will contain the main measures and actions to provide an effective response to national environmental challenges, fulfilling the objectives and targets set out in the new General Waste Management Regime (RGGR) and the Strategic Plan for Municipal Waste 2030 (PERSU 2030).

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