Culture and Tourism

Mel :: Arts Picnic returns to Devesa Park from 3 to 5 August

O Mel :: Piquenique das Artes is back at Devesa Park, for three days dedicated to the arts in its various forms and formats and, as it could not fail to miss, with picnics to mix. The 7th edition of the initiative takes place on 3, 4 and 5 of August, and has free admission.

Under the umbrella of the theme "Sublimation", the artistic festival kicks off with 'Manifesto Mel n. º2 (Ginásio Cultural n. º2 - A catequese)' at 21h00, followed by a jam session with 'João Filipe da Costa Oliveira', precisely half an hour later, on Thursday, 3 August.

On Friday, the 4th, there will be 'Marquise', at 21h00, and soon after, at 21h30, the 'Verbian' concert.

The third, and last day of the initiative, features the performance of the 'Che ChaBón Trio', at 21h00, followed by the band 'Sofá de Freud', to close the night, at 22h30.

It should also be noted that CRU - Cultural Space, located on Rua Alves Roçadas, in Famalicão, will host a dynamic linked to the visual arts during the days of the festival, also included in the Mel programme.

It should be remembered that Mel :: Piquenique das Artes is an initiative that has the support of the Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão since the first edition in 2017. It is an artistic, multicultural, interdisciplinary and inclusive event, with awareness, ecology and citizenship as centralising values of the entire project. Its target audience is families, covering all age groups and family backgrounds, in a cosy environment, with heterogeneous proposals that enhance intergenerational and intercultural coexistence.
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