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Brief News


Nutre Jovem programme raises awareness among young people from Vila Nova de Famalicão about healthy eating

Nutre Jovem, a municipal project now in its 3rd edition, has gone through the schools in the county of Vila Nova de Famalicão with awareness-raising, prevention and education sessions on healthy eating, which involved more than 1000 students from the 2nd and 3rd cycles, aged between 9 and 18. Around fifty sessions were held with the school community throughout the month of February.

In the contact with the school community, topics such as label reading, healthy eating and sustainability were addressed by nutritionist Carolina Araújo, in a dynamic sharing of knowledge and eating habits, quiz games and knowledge assessment, which has been positive.

It is worth recollecting that the programme Young Nutre arose after three years of close work with young people from famalicenses, in the context of nutritional accompaniment, through free nutritional consultations, in the Youth House. Given the need to take the subject to a larger number of people, the programme Nutre Jovem was created in 2020, aimed at the school public, which also includes clarification and prevention sessions open to the young community in general, in the referred space.

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