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Culture and Tourism

Sons do Bairro take part in Vivian Caccuri's exhibition

In a month's time, the voices of the Famalicense project ‘Sons do Bairro’ will be heard in the exhibition ‘Febre da Selva Elétrica’, by Brazilian contemporary art artist Vivian Caccuri, on show at the Art Galleries of the Municipality of Porto.

On February 22, the exhibition will host a musical session developed by the group Sons do Bairro, in a dialogue between music and art that promises to offer the public an immersive experience that reflects local sounds in an international cultural context. 

The musical session was created during the artistic residency in which the young members of the group from Famalicense took part with Vivian Caccuri. The exhibition is open until 23 February.

The ‘Sons do Bairro’ project, promoted by the Municipality of Famalicão, has been active for over a year and aims to help citizens from Famalicão interact with other artists, get to know new musical skills and produce their own compositions. The initiative has more than 20 participants.

515 readings