Agenda Municipal / Diverse 15th Famalicão Libraries Reading Week

15th Famalicão Libraries Reading Week
10 to 15 Mar
As part of the commemoration of Reading Week proposed by the National Reading Plan, the Vila Nova de Famalicão Library Network is jointly organising a programme of educational and cultural activities involving public and school libraries in the municipality of Vila Nova Famalicão.

Monday 10 to Friday 14

Radios to read
Radio Cidade Hoje and Fama TV
Target audience: general
During Reading Week, from 10 to 14 March, turn on and tune in to Fama TV and Rádio Cidade Hoje and listen to short excerpts from stories and poems selected and narrated by readers from Vila Nova Famalicão.

The Beautiful Mandarin
Lousado | Library Centre - 10h00 and/or 14h30 
Target audience: Pre-school and 1st grade |Author: Laura Pons Veja | Sessions scheduled according to availability | Contact: 252 492 983
Do you want to know why mandarins are called that? Travel with me to faraway China and let's meet the Mandarin. And his wife, the Beautiful Mandarin.

From Tuesday 11th to Thursday 13th

The Great Word Factory
Riba de Ave | Library Centre - 10h15 and/or 14h30
Joane | Library Centre - 10h15 and/or 14h30
Target audience: pre-school and 1st grade | Author: Agnès de Lestrade | According to availability | Contact - Joane: 252 981 620; Riba de Ave: 252 981 620
There is a country where people hardly speak. In this strange country you have to buy and swallow words in order to pronounce them. Little Filipe needs the right words to open his heart to the beautiful Sara. But how? What he wants to say to her costs a fortune...

Thursday 13th

A Morning of Reading Without Interrupting
All Library Centres - 10h00 to 12h00
Target audience: general
‘Before the interest in writing, there is another: the interest in reading. And things are going badly when you only think about the first, if you haven't consolidated a taste for the second. Without reading, nobody writes,’ said Saramago. Let's celebrate books and reading from 10am to 12pm, non-stop. 

Famalicão to READ
Various parts of the municipality - 10h15
Target audience: general
On 13 March, Famalicão will stop to READ! For 15 minutes, we can choose a book, a magazine, a newspaper... Accept the invitation, take a break and travel through words.

Friday 14th

Territories of writing... with Joaquim Teixeira
Riba de Ave | Library Centre - 21h00
Target audience: general
Nema's Path is a collection of stories that have somehow marked the author and make him want to recount events from times gone by. And it is on this ‘path’ that we come across suffering lives, realities so unknown to most. A time of misery and scarcity of so many things is portrayed.

Saturday 15th

Territories of writing... with Jean-Marc Marlier
Camilo Castelo Branco Municipal Library - 15h00
Target audience: general
The Invasion of the Wise Ants is Jean-Marc Marlier's first solo work, which came about after he responded to a call for new texts and authors from Flamingo Editions. It is an allegory that pays homage to the golden years of science fiction, tackling the themes of responsibility and the consequences of our actions and issuing a warning about the way we treat our planet.

11 readings