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Sun 09 Mar
Devesa | 10h00

Municipal Events December 2020

Lusco Fusco
Up Until 15th Jan


Lusco Fusco

Ala da Frente Gallery

Tuesday to Friday: 10 am - 05:30 pm
Saturday to Sunday: 02:30 pm - 05:30 pm
Closed on Mondays and holidays.

Mário Cesariny, Cruzeiro Seixas, Júlio and Fernando Lemos – Cupertino de Miranda Foundation
per -ma -nent


Mário Cesariny, Cruzeiro Seixas, Júlio and Fernando Lemos – Cupertino de Miranda Foundation

Cupertino de Miranda Foundation

Monday to Friday: 10h00 - 12h30 and 14h00 - 18h00.
Saturdays and holidays: from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (during the period of temporary exhibitions).
Closed on Sunday

Commerce: Tradition & Modernity
Up until july 4rd


Commerce: Tradition & Modernity

Casa do Território

Free entry.

Monday to Thursday: 09:30 am to 01pm and 02:00 pm to 05:30pm;
Sunday: 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Textile Industry of Guimarães: from the Ancient System to the Advent of the Machines
24 Oct to 30 Sep 2021


Textile Industry of Guimarães: from the Ancient System to the Advent of the Machines

Museums Network programme

Free entry | Tuesday to Friday: 10h00 - 17h30 | Weekend 14h30-17h30. Closed on Mondays and public holidays | Saturday 24th, 5.00 p.m. - opening.
Jorge Pinheiro - From the Serralves collection in Famalicão
Up until Feb 23rd


Jorge Pinheiro - From the Serralves collection in Famalicão

Program House of Arts

House of Arts | Foyer - 7:00 pm
Free entrance

Opening hours:
Tuesday to Thursday: 10 am - 7 pm
Friday: 10 am - 7 pm and 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm.