Time, Space & Being-Territory of V.N. de Famalicão
Devesa Park - Casa do Território programme
Free entry | Tuesday to Thursday - 9h30/13h00 and 14h00/17h30 | Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays - 14h30/17h30 (winter timetable), 14h30/18h30 (summer timetable)

The solitude of the master of Seide – 100 years of memories of the house-museum
Centro de Estudos Camilianos | Schedule: Monday to Friday from 09h30 to 17h00

Literary Tower
Cupertino de Miranda Foundation | 10h00
Free admission | www.cupertino.pt | museu@fcm.org.pt | Monday to Friday: 10h00 - 12h30 and 14h00 - 18h00; Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 14h00 - 18h00. Closed on Sundays, August Weekends and Holidays (January 1st, Good Friday; May 1st; Corpus Christi; August 15th; November 1st: December 8th, 24th and 25th

Mário Cesariny, Cruzeiro Seixas, Julio e Fernando Lemos
Cupertino Miranda Foundation
Free Entry
E-mail: museu@fcm.org.pt

The Last Supper: From the Jewish Passover to the Christian Passover
Lapa Chapel Religious Art Museum
Free admission

Surrealism - A Leap into the Void
General admission: €7 | Senior admission: €5 | Student admission: €4 | Free: 0-12 years old; V. N. Famalicão students (up to 25 years old); FCM/CPS Friend card holders; Morning 1st Monday of the month

Jorge. My son's drawings
Free admission
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Despicable Me 4 (Portuguese version)
Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 16h00
Entry: 2 euros | Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 1 euro

Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 21h30
Entry: 2 euros | Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 1 euro

Maria de Buenos Aires_premiere
Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 21h30
Entry: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 3 euros

Grand Tour
Casa das Artes | Small auditorium - 21h45
General admission: 4 euros | Students: 2 euros | Free for Joane Film Club members

Rui Fernandes Quarteto - Viola amarantina
Casa das Artes | Small Auditorium - 21h30
Entry: 4 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 2 euros

Porto to Póvoa and Famalicão Railway
Free admission | Opening: 09 November at 14h30

Circus Art
Colliding Stories
Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 21h30
Entry: 2 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 1 euro

Hamlet – Out of Joint_premiere
Casa das Artes | Grand auditorium – 21h30
Entry: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 3 euros

Marina Abreu + Miguel Bandeirinha
Casa das Artes | Caffè-concerto - 21h30
Entry: 3 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors: 1,5 euros

Scorched Earth
Casa das Artes | Small auditorium - 21h45
General admission: 4 euros | Students: 2 euros | Free for Joane Film Club members

Who takes care of the garden_premiere
Casa das Artes | Grand auditorium – 21h30
Entry: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 3 euros

Community Jazz Choir_premiere
Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 21h30
Free entrance

Casa das Artes | Small auditorium - 21h45
General admission: 4 euros | Students: 2 euros | Free for Joane Film Club members

Winter Soul Festival - Soulful music in Famalicão 2024
Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 21h30
Entry (daily ticket): 20 euros. Student, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 10 euros

Parties, Fairs and Pilgrims
Famalicão: Christmas Place

Where is Pessoa? + Where is Zeca?
Casa das Artes | Small auditorium - 21h45
Free entry

Eixo do Jazz Ensemble Meets José Pedro Coelho
Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 21h30
Entry: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 3 euros

Echos of Earth_premiere
Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 21h30
Entry: 2 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 1 euro