Agenda Municipal / Movies Lightyear

Sat 22 Oct
7th Episode of Film Observatory Close-Up: Cinema Family programme

Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 15h00

Entry: 2 euros. Quadrilateral Card, Students, Seniors, members of the cineclubs: 1 euro | USA, 2022 | Rating: M/6 | Duration: 92 min | Portuguese version

Legendary astronaut Buzz Lightyear, along with the commander and the rest of the crew, is left on a hostile planet 4.2 million light years from Earth. In order for them to return, Buzz tries to find a way through space and time. But complicating this already complex mission is the evil-minded Zurg and his army of robots. Produced by Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures, Lightyear is a spin-off from the Toy Story franchise. Directed and written by Angus MacLane (co-director of "Finding Dory"), this space adventure tells the (fictional) story of the astronaut who, in the films, became Buzz Lightyear, one of the most charismatic characters in the franchise.
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