Agenda Municipal / Music Pipe Organ and Orchestra Concert

Pipe Organ and Orchestra Concert
Sun 17 Oct
Casa das Artes and Envolvente programme

Igreja Paroquial of Ribeirão

Commissioned to inaugurate the pipe organ in the large auditorium of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 1969, Frederico de Freitas' Fantasia Concertante for pipe organ and chamber orchestra is one of the rare examples of music for pipe organ and orchestra written by a Portuguese composer. On the centenary of the death of Camille Saint-Saëns, today's programme included the work that may be considered, from an artistic point of view, the highest point in the composer's career: the masterly Symphony No. 3 in C minor, op. 78 "with Pipe Organ". The author himself, referring to the symphony, says the following: "I have given all I could give. What I have done here, I will never achieve again."

Federico de Freitas (1902-1980)
Fantasia concertante for pipe organ and chamber orchestra (1969)

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
Symphony No. 3 in C minor, op. 78 "with Pipe Organ"

ESMAE Symphony Orchestra
Ilaria Centorrino (Italy), pipe organ
José Eduardo Gomes, direction

972 readings