Agenda Municipal / Theatre Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots
Fri 22 and Sat 23 Jul
Narciso Ferreira Theatre programme

Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 21h30 and 16h00

The public sessions, free in a first stage, will be available only at the local box office, 1 hour and a half before each session | Rating: M/3 | Runtime: 50 min.

Inspired by the famous tale by Charles Perrault, Jangada Teatro brings us a new and fresh take on the adventures of this cunning and mischievous Puss. Several caricatural elements are used: a mutant and versatile scenography; ostentatious costumes; jocular dialogues; live sound elements that stimulate and reveal the characteristics of "farce" that we find in the work. Starting from a world like today's - where we are bombarded with new models, technologies, information and accessories; and where, even so, it seems that nothing is enough anymore - we join this Puss in the attempt to understand if it is really possible to achieve a lot with so little.

Artistic record
Dramaturgy: Filipe Gouveia
Directed by: Xico Alves
Performers: Cláudia Gomes, Inês Cardoso, Rita Calatré, Vítor Fernandes
Music: Paulo Pires
Costumes: Ana Nogueira
Set design: Daniel Machado
Design and construction of masks and props: Samantha Simões de Jesús
Light Design and Operation: Fernando Oliveira
Graphic Design: Weberson Santiago
Stage Photography: Filipa Brito
Video: The Pixel Shapers
Executive Production: Alejandrina Romero, Ana Luísa Fernandes and Susana Morais

Production: Jangada Teatro
Co-production: Teatro Narciso Ferreira (House of Arts of Famalicão) and Cine Teatro Alba

471 readings