Agenda Municipal / Circus Art Ray/ Beam/ Lightning
Wed 25 Jun
INAC programme
INAC's pavilion - 19h00
The fleeting leaves marks, not always, not forever. The possibility of staying was overvalued compared to the option of passing. To pass is to be, to change form and place.
To remain is to be, immobile in place and form. To pass is to become deformed. To remain is to become uniform. The RAY has the virtue of brevity...
" Stars that shine twice as bright live half as long." (Eldon Tyrell to Roy Batty in "Blade Runner")
The Fugate. The Eternal. The eternity of the fleeting is the ghost, the hallucination, the enchantment....
Mechanisms of the body to deal with absence, devices to understand loss, synaptic tricks to minimise emptiness... And the questions remain the same, constantly, the same, the same questions that cling to the neck of humanity, threatening it with its asphyxiation: "Who am I? Where am I going? How much time do I have left?" (Rick Deckar in "Blade Runner")
INAC Show.
Directed by: Jorge Albuerne
Assistant Teachers: Nathália Furlan and Chiara Capparelli
Performers-creators: Camila Pizarro Ibáñez, Camilo Oliveiro, Dayse Albuquerque
Erik Livermore, Esther Dorleans, Eva Morais, Fabiana Díaz Fa, Fernando Nogueira
Filipa Madeira, Oig Otac, Hilda Snellman, Inês Pinha, Joka, Julia Negrão Faria
Luiza Adjuto, Malin Jorina, Momi Marín, Pedro Miguel Rosa, Radarani, Stav Pinto
Stephanie Skrein, Mr Tigas, Valeria Elizondo C .
Technical Director/Rigger: Hugo Zanardi,
Technicians: Vladimiro Carvalho and André Freitas
Light Technician: Luís Machado
Media Team(INAC): Ashleigh Georgiou and Carlos Teixeira
Production: Lueli Cristina, Fernanda Moura and Amanda González
INAC's pavilion - 19h00
The fleeting leaves marks, not always, not forever. The possibility of staying was overvalued compared to the option of passing. To pass is to be, to change form and place.
To remain is to be, immobile in place and form. To pass is to become deformed. To remain is to become uniform. The RAY has the virtue of brevity...
" Stars that shine twice as bright live half as long." (Eldon Tyrell to Roy Batty in "Blade Runner")
The Fugate. The Eternal. The eternity of the fleeting is the ghost, the hallucination, the enchantment....
Mechanisms of the body to deal with absence, devices to understand loss, synaptic tricks to minimise emptiness... And the questions remain the same, constantly, the same, the same questions that cling to the neck of humanity, threatening it with its asphyxiation: "Who am I? Where am I going? How much time do I have left?" (Rick Deckar in "Blade Runner")
INAC Show.
Directed by: Jorge Albuerne
Assistant Teachers: Nathália Furlan and Chiara Capparelli
Performers-creators: Camila Pizarro Ibáñez, Camilo Oliveiro, Dayse Albuquerque
Erik Livermore, Esther Dorleans, Eva Morais, Fabiana Díaz Fa, Fernando Nogueira
Filipa Madeira, Oig Otac, Hilda Snellman, Inês Pinha, Joka, Julia Negrão Faria
Luiza Adjuto, Malin Jorina, Momi Marín, Pedro Miguel Rosa, Radarani, Stav Pinto
Stephanie Skrein, Mr Tigas, Valeria Elizondo C .
Technical Director/Rigger: Hugo Zanardi,
Technicians: Vladimiro Carvalho and André Freitas
Light Technician: Luís Machado
Media Team(INAC): Ashleigh Georgiou and Carlos Teixeira
Production: Lueli Cristina, Fernanda Moura and Amanda González
504 readings