Agenda Municipal / Theatre Treaty, the Universal Constitution
6, 7 and 8 Oct
Casa das Artes programme
Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 21h30
Entry: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and above): 3 euros | Rating: M/14 | Duration: 80 min.
In the United Democratic States, a different type of regime governs each state, where the concepts of naturalness and migration do not exist. Every five years the International Day of the Vote is held, where all citizens are summoned to the polls. From then on, each citizen will live for the next five years in the State corresponding to the ideal expressed through the vote. Then, a month after the automatic job change is made, the move to the new State is made, the concept of family is dispensed with. However, chaos ensues when the rivalry between the States takes on unavoidable proportions and the Grand Conservative forbids citizens to attend the International Day of the Vote.
Artistic and technical details
Creation and Direction: Diogo Freitas
Text and Direction Assistance: Filipe Gouveia
Performers: Genário Neto, Inês Fernandes, Maria Teresa and Pedro Barros de Castro
Special Participations: Gabriela Leão and Ana Lídia Pereira
Based on texts by: Filipe Gouveia, Genário Neto, Inês Fernandes, Maria Teresa
Music Composition and Sound Design: Cláudio Tavares
Light Design: Pedro Abreu
Executive Production: Ruana Carolina
Photography Support: Simão de Vale Africano
Photography Support: Artist Residency O Espaço do Tempo: Tripla Ficha
Communication Designer: Caroline F. Torres
Sound operation: Carolina Elvira
Teaser: The Fredericos
Production: Momento - Independent Artists
Co-production: Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Bragança Municipal Theatre, Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, São João National Theatre
Co-production Residence: O Espaço do Tempo
Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 21h30
Entry: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and above): 3 euros | Rating: M/14 | Duration: 80 min.
In the United Democratic States, a different type of regime governs each state, where the concepts of naturalness and migration do not exist. Every five years the International Day of the Vote is held, where all citizens are summoned to the polls. From then on, each citizen will live for the next five years in the State corresponding to the ideal expressed through the vote. Then, a month after the automatic job change is made, the move to the new State is made, the concept of family is dispensed with. However, chaos ensues when the rivalry between the States takes on unavoidable proportions and the Grand Conservative forbids citizens to attend the International Day of the Vote.
Artistic and technical details
Creation and Direction: Diogo Freitas
Text and Direction Assistance: Filipe Gouveia
Performers: Genário Neto, Inês Fernandes, Maria Teresa and Pedro Barros de Castro
Special Participations: Gabriela Leão and Ana Lídia Pereira
Based on texts by: Filipe Gouveia, Genário Neto, Inês Fernandes, Maria Teresa
Music Composition and Sound Design: Cláudio Tavares
Light Design: Pedro Abreu
Executive Production: Ruana Carolina
Photography Support: Simão de Vale Africano
Photography Support: Artist Residency O Espaço do Tempo: Tripla Ficha
Communication Designer: Caroline F. Torres
Sound operation: Carolina Elvira
Teaser: The Fredericos
Production: Momento - Independent Artists
Co-production: Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Bragança Municipal Theatre, Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, São João National Theatre
Co-production Residence: O Espaço do Tempo
534 readings