Agenda Municipal / Exhibitions Where do plants go when they die?

Where do plants go when they die?
Sat 02 to Sat 09 Oct
There is Culture | Culture for All programme

Venue_FAUNA / Didascália Theatre (Quinta da Bemposta, Travessa da Quinta, nº1 - 4770-205 Joane)

*Visit subject to previous booking through the contacts: / tel. 924 305 850

Project direction: Teatro da Didascália / mediation programme
Scientific coordination and herbarium: Cristiana Vieira and Helena Hespanhol / Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto
Support: ACIP, Casa da Villa, AMITORRE - Habitorre Residents' Association

Where do plants go when they die? is a herbarium on display at fAUNA resulting from the work developed with the communities of Casa da Villa (ACIP unit) and Amitorre - Habitorre Residents' Association.
This exhibition is born from the action "We All Are Landscape", part of the project THERE IS CULTURE | CULTURE FOR ALL promoted by the City Council of Vila Nova de Famalicão and co-financed by NORTE 2020, through the European Social Fund (ESF).

For more information, see the page here

1018 readings