Agenda Municipal / Theatre XVIII Terras de Camilo Amateur Theatre Festival

Free entry until the room is full
Saturday March 01
Maria Moisés
Auditorium | 21h30
Grutaca, Camiliano Amateur Theatre Group | Directed by: Reinaldo Ferreira | Genre: Puppet Theatre | Author: Camilo Castelo Branco | Rating: M6 | Running time: 60 min
A typically Camillian novel of passion, shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery, Maria Moisés is made up of two essential parts: the first tells of the tragic love of Josefa da Lage, and the second of the life of her daughter, Maria Moisés, the fruit of a forbidden love. The beginning of the story is masterfully dramatic: on the same night that Josefa da Lage is found dying by the river, a child is found abandoned in a wicker basket in the same river. Raised by a nobleman and his sisters, they decide to name her Maria Moisés, for the obvious analogy with the biblical story. As they have no other heirs, Maria Moisés ends up inheriting the family farm and decides to take care of other children like her. Unfortunately, in her eagerness to help the underprivileged, she falls into debt and is forced to sell the property. A buyer will eventually come along and, more than solving the saintly Moisés' financial problems, will give a sublime ending to a story that started out tragic.
Technical file
Sound: Cláudia Campos
Lighting: António Alves and José Alves
- Reinaldo Ferreira (Narrator)
- Bárbara Araújo
- Maria Barbosa
- Vítor Ribeiro
- Beatriz Osório
Saturday March 08
Improvisation techniques workshop
Seide S. Miguel | Camillian Studies Centre - 10h00
Based on the theme ‘Amores de Perdição’ | Staged by Prof. Ana Azevedo | Limited to 15 participants
Three on a Honeymoon
Auditorium | 21h30
TPC - Carapeços Popular Theatre | Directed by: Carmo Bernardino | Genre: Comedy | Author: José de Sousa | Rating: M/12 | Running time: 2h15
Three on a Honeymoon is a hilarious comedy by Jorge de Sousa (pseudonym of Henrique Santana and Francisco Ribeiro), with a script based on Almeida Garrett's masterpiece: Frei Luís de Sousa. It is not, however, a crude imitation. On the contrary, based on similar scripts and characters with the same names, the drama is forgotten and a web of genuinely comic situations is developed, without falling into easy parody.
Technical data
Sound and lighting design: Carlos Silva
Stage direction: Isabel Pereira
Costumes and props: TPC Collective - Carapeços Popular Theatre (Barcelos)
Cast (Character/Interpreter):
Manuel Coutinho - Hélder Tomé
Clara - Marina Almeida
Dr Telmo Pais - Amaro Rosas
Madalena - Cristina Arantes
Maria - Diana Rodrigues
João Romeira - Carlos Fitas
Miranda - João Filipe
Doroteia - Edite Miranda
Director - F. Assis Tomé
Sunday March 09
The Two Deaf Men
Auditorium | 16h00
Ribeirão Musical Community Theatre | Directed by: Diogo Ribeiro | Genre: Comedy | Author: Barão de Roussado | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 76 min
‘The Two Deaf People’ focuses on the story of a family and their problems, which, as well as hearing, also include love and disaffection, invasions and afflictions.
It's the story of a father who protects his interests, a cloistered daughter, a beloved servant and suitors both accepted and unsuitable.
We invite you to enter this humble home and get to know this family, functional or dysfunctional (you can choose), laughing at their customs and questioning their actions.
Can love prevail, as we all hope and yearn for? Are our ambitions more important than the other person's well-being? Is listening, or the lack of it, a way of overcoming our problems?
Technical file
Sound design: Cristiana Silva
Cast: Amélia Santos, Carlos Alberto Costa, Daniela Ferreira, Diogo Ribeiro, Eduardo Vale, João Faria, Jorge Oliveira, José Cruz, Leonel Rocha, Maria João Batista
Saturday March 15
Improvisation techniques workshop
Seide S. Miguel | Parish - 10h00
Based on the theme ‘Amores de Perdição’ | Staged by Prof. Ana Azevedo | Limited to 15 participants
Saturday March 22
Improvisation techniques workshop
Seide S. Miguel | Camillian Studies Centre - 10h00
Based on the theme ‘Amores de Perdição’ | Staged by Prof. Ana Azevedo | Limited to 15 participants
Rejected Rose
Auditorium | 21h30
Grupo Teatro Casca de Nós da AAC de Ermesinde | Directed by: Mário Sá | Genre: Comedy | Author: Fernando Gomes | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 140 min
Rosa has been thinking for a long time about changing her life, quitting prostitution and abandoning Chico, the man she loves, lives with and is forced to support. Until the day she meets João, a simple, honest, hard-working young man, the opposite of Chico, who awakens in Rosa the feeling of true love and the hope of a new life. Marcolina is rumoured to have a disease and ‘there is no one who wants her’. Plácida married Mr Arroiolos, the owner of a pawnshop and an aspiring mayor, but secretly she longs for Chico. As for Rosa, who is ready to leave Chico, all she wants is to ‘leave the life’ and be an ‘honest’ woman, but it won't be easy, because the man who exploits her will blame her for a crime he himself committed. In the background of a brothel, scoundrelly encounters and mismatches with flirtations and knifes, garters and roses, the ‘Casca de Nós’ Theatre Group offers us a comedy with lots of music and dance. ‘Rosa Enjeitada‘, the name of a well-known fado that our Amália eternalised, is the motto for the plot of Fernando Gomes’ musical comedy.
Technical data
Cast (Character/Singer):
Rosa - Joana Andrade & Catarina Pinto
João - André Barros Pinto
Gimbrinhas - Íris Neto
Plácida - Catarina Sá
Chico - Justino Pinheiro
Malacueco - Manuel Ortigão
Sete Vidas - Sandra Monteiro
Marcolina - Assunção Coelho
Arroiolos - Manuel Moreira & Diogo Moreira
Balbina - Petra Braz & Catarina Sá
Sailor - Tiago Teixeira & André Barros Pinto
Set design: Mário Sá and Justino Pinheiro
Choreography: Mário Sá and Ana Rita Almeida
Light Design: João Abreu and Mário Bessa
Light Operation: Mário Sá
Sound Operation: Diogo Graça
Graphic Design: Gonçalo Ferreira
Backdrop: Filipa Rocha
Production | Associação Académica e Cultural de Ermesinde
Thursday March 27
My Grandfather Can Fly
Auditorium | 14h30 and 16h00
Companhia Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora | Directed by: Filipa Mesquita | Genre: Puppet theatre | Based on the text by Pedro Seromenho | Rating: M/3 | Running time: 45 min
Through the eyes of little Pedro we travel to a childhood of good memories, where his grandfather was a hero of the sea and his grandmother a sea of affection. Travelling through this story, we observe the heroic grandfather who knows everything, who calls the wave ‘you’, who flies even without a cape and takes us away in his rocket ship. There is a moment in childhood when memories are engraved on our hearts with the greatest love a child can have and mould us forever. This show is a journey, a territory, a home and a space of affection that inhabits us.
Technical details
Artistic Direction and Performance: Filipa Mesquita
Puppets: envide nefelibata. Joana Nogueira and Vânia Kosta
Set design: Joana Nogueira
Costumes and props: Vânia Kosta
Music: Fernando Mota
Light Design: César Cardoso
Construction support: Hélder Silva
Production: Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora (Gondomar)
Production Support: Clara Ribeiro
Saturday March 29
Improvisation techniques workshop
Seide S. Miguel | Camillian Studies Centre - 10h00
Based on the theme ‘Amores de Perdição’ | Staged by Prof. Ana Azevedo | Limited to 15 participants
The Debt
Auditorium | 21h30
Arouca Experimental Theatre | Directed by: João Paulo Brandão and Elisa Pinto | Genre: Comedy | Author: João Paulo Brandão and Cecília Quintas | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 60 min
The many problems of a bankrupt, widowed tavernkeeper with a daughter and the neighbour's cow.
Cast (Character/Singer):
Tavernkeeper - Nightingale
Daughter. - Gabriela Quintas
Seventh - João Paulo Brandão
Neighbour - Diana Azevedo
Porteladas - José Luís
Waiter - José Ribeiro
Azeiteiro - Fernando Ferreira
Grinder - Fábio
Light and Sound: Rui Sousa, Cecília Quintas
Set: João Brandão, Rouxinol
Photography: Cecília Quintas
Sunday March 30
From Dolores to Lola
Auditorium | 16h00
ATAL, Ass. Teatro Amador de Lanheses | Directed by: Laura Camafreita Beato | Genre: Comedy | Author: Laura Camafreita Beato | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 80 min
Dolores is an elderly woman with a difficult character, requiring attention and care. She has been expelled from the home help programme, forcing her daughter to start a stressful selection of candidates to look after her mother. After several varied and surprising interviews, Dolores' attitude takes an unexpected turn.
Cast (Character/Singer):
Dolores - Moisés Rebouço
Daughter - Dorita Cunha
Maria José - Elisabete Alves
Carolina - Delfina Rocha
Star - Beatriz Basso
Doctor - Elisabete Alves
Nurse - Joana Cerqueira
Son - Lourenço Rebouço
Daughter-in-law - Beatriz Basso
Prazeres - Delfina Rocha
Carla - Beatriz Basso
Happiness - Filipe Pereira
Jacinta - Beatriz Basso
Claúdio - Delfina Rocha
Delivery boy - Joana Cerqueira
Text adaptation: João Bartolomeu Amorim
Staging and set design: João Bartolomeu Amorim
Light and sound technicians: João Sargento
Backdrop: Vera Marinho
Assistant director: Ana Maria Tavares
Saturday April 05
Improvisation techniques workshop
Seide S. Miguel | Camillian Studies Centre - 10h00
Based on the theme ‘Amores de Perdição’ | Staged by Prof. Ana Azevedo | Limited to 15 participants
Grutaca, Camillian Amateur Theatre Group - 30 years of theatre
Casa de Camilo - Casa do Caseiro | 18h00 (Exhibition opening)
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
Auditorium | 21h30
Grupo de Teatro de Novelas | Directed by: Joana Barros | Genre: Portuguese Revue Theatre | Author: Fernando Leal and Joana Barros | Rating: M/16 | Running time: 75 min
The squeaky wheel gets the grease (‘Quem Não Chora, Não Mama!’) brings the genuine spirit of Portuguese revue theatre to the stage. This show comes alive with humour, social and political criticism and infectious music. It delves into the daily lives of the Portuguese, bringing caricature characters, political satire and sharp puns, where whoever makes the most noise always comes out on top! In a whirlwind of hilarious characters, ironic jokes and people laughing to keep from crying, this magazine promises to make you laugh and promote reflection on the art of getting by in the Portuguese way and the evolution of society. Get ready for an evening of biting criticism and good humour...... After all, in this country, those who don't cry already know what it's like!
Technical details
Cast: Carina Barros, Eduardo Sousa, Fabiana Gonçalves, Joana Barros, Kikas Penas, Helena Magno, Luís Sousa, Núria Sousa
Set design: Fernando Gonçalves
Sound/light operator: To be appointed
Music: Aníbal Magalhães
Production: Eduardo Sousa and Joana Barros
Saturday April 12
Improvisation techniques workshop
Seide S. Miguel | Camillian Studies Centre - 10h00
Based on the theme ‘Amores de Perdição’ | Staged by Prof. Ana Azevedo | Limited to 15 participants
The Night
Auditorium | 21h30
Campelos Theatre Group | Directed by: Daniela Freitas and Paulo Teixeira | Genre: Introspective Theatre | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 60 min
The deafening silence that anticipates the storm. The storm that cleanses the streets and human souls of the rot that imprisons, hinders and cowers. The dawn of a new day that breathes freedom. Because revolutions are made of human strength, because we are all part of the same freedom-making machine that can never stop, GTAC brings ‘The Night’ to the stage, a humble adaptation of José Saramago's original ‘The Night’.
Technical details
Actors: Ana Isabel Cunha; Ana Maria Teixeira; Ana Sofia Cunha; Arlindo Cunha; Isabel Pereira; José Teixeira; Manuel Teixeira; Matias Teixeira; Patrícia Costa; Paulo Teixeira.
Production: Centro Social Recreativo e Cultural de Campelos
Dramaturgical Adaptation: Daniela Freitas
Set design: Paulo Teixeira
Costumes: Ana Sofia Cunha
Lighting and sound: João Fernando Teixeira
Thursday April 24
Which Portugal?
Auditorium | 21h30
Alçapão, Theatre Academy | Directed by: José Armando Ribeiro and Sandra Mestre | Genre: Introspective Theatre | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 60 min
The play takes place in 2023 through a metaphor that takes as its starting point the play The Envelope written by Spiro Scimone, a Sicilian actor and playwright, who describes it as a parable of modern democracy. Thus, a distinctive mix of dialogues is established between Beckett's absurdity and the anxiety of the Kafkaesque Process, induced by the discomfort of pressure from an (unknown) authority.
On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the 25 April revolution, The Envelope is also a wake-up call to understand the fine line that can separate democracy from autocracy and how totalitarian attempts at power and leadership are still possible, as well as their ability to unjustifiably annul fundamental and constitutional rights, such as freedom, freedom of expression and assembly, and justice is their negation. Some reminiscences of the Estado Novo and the totalitarianism of the old regime will be easily identified.
Technical file
Cast: Artur Costa, Alex Castro, Bruno Amorim, Bárbara Azevedo, Joana Lopes, João Teixeira, Jordana Santiago, José Armando, Lara Oliveira, Leonor Oliveira, Leonor Silva, Manuela Oliveira, Mariana Cruz, Mariana Domingues, Sandra Mestre, Sandra Santos, Violeta Amorim
Texts: Bruno Amorim, João Negreiros, Jordana Santiago, Mário de Carvalho, Spiro Scimone
Set design, costumes, light and sound design: Alçapão Academia (Requião-V.N.Famalicão)
Light and Sound Operation: Vítor Dias
Friday April 25
Performance based on the theme ‘Amores de Perdição’ - improvisation techniques
Auditorium - 16h00
Staging: Prof Ana Azevedo
Sunday April 27
Auditorium | 16h00
Companhia Teatro aos Quartos | Staging: Ana Perfeito | Genre: Comedy | Author: Jomar Magalhães | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 60 min
‘João who loved Teresa who loved Raimundo who loved Maria, who loved Joaquim who loved Lili...’ is the motto that begins this comedy. This is followed by a series of unexpected events and situations, which Father José tries to resolve at great cost. From broken engagements to a mayor on the verge of a nervous breakdown, fake news, a lot of gossip and the constant search for love, the quiet village of Redondela do Norte is in turmoil! Could all this have been caused by a lesson at young José's school? All you have to do is watch this show by the Aos Quartos Theatre Collective (Viana do Castelo), laugh a lot and draw your own conclusions!
Technical details
Cast: Albino Ramalho, Ana Sousa, Berta Pinto, Catarina Priegue, Clarisse Tavares, Fátima Sousa, João Lobo, José Sousa, Luís Pinto, Nélson Neves, Rosa Maria Marques, Rosa Ramalho, Sónia Domingues, Sónia Sousa
Music selection: Ana Perfeito
Set and props: Relaxart
Support for set construction and props: João Lobo
Wardrobe: Relaxart
17h30 | Closing