Agenda Municipal / Diverse 14º Meeting of Supporting Services to School Libraries

14º Meeting of Supporting Services to School Libraries
Fri 03 and Sat 04 Dec
BMCCB programme

The Library in a Phygital Plan – The best of both worlds

Online | 09h00 to 17h00
Target audience: Librarians, teachers, educators and profissionals in the field of Information Sciences

"The library in a 'phygital' plan: the best of both worlds" is the theme of the 2021 edition, and the aim of this Meeting is to look at libraries as innovative and inclusive services, in schools and outside them, whose strategic management will balance the flexibility of physical spaces with the creation of virtual learning environments.
The opening session and all other conference program on December 3 will take place at Cupertino de Miranda Foundation and will be broadcast online.
On December 4th, the distance learning workshops will take place through videoconferencing platforms.

The Meeting is intended for professionals in education and information sciences.


December 3rd | Online

9:50 | Cultural moment by the students of the Padre Benjamin Salgado School Group

10:00 | Opening session: Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council, School Libraries Network and Vila Nova de Famalicão Schools Association Training Centre

11:00 | The Library and the Action Plan for Digital Development of Schools, Raquel Ramos (School Libraries Network)

11:45 | The Library in a "phygital" plan - the best of both worlds, Maria José Pereira (Librarian Teacher of D. Maria II School Grouping - VNF)

14:30 | Cultural moment by the D. Sancho I School Grouping students

14:45 | Good Practices in Municipal Libraries of Porto, examples to share!, Inês Vila (Municipal Libraries of Porto)

16:00 | The digital medium in children's literature, Humberto Neves and Dora Queirós, Ardozia

17:30 | End of Works

December 4th | Online

9:30 and 14:30 | Training workshops
- Creating e-books, Carlos Pinheiro (School Libraries Network)
- Stories in the palm of your hands, Inácia Cruz (Arco-Íris dos Contos)
- "Anima uma história", Alberto Costa (Pedome School Group)
- LabDEC: the experience of creative writing at a distance, João Manuel Ribeiro (Trinta por Uma Linha)

970 readings