Agenda Municipal / Music 8.ª Edition Mel – Piquenique das Artes

8.ª Edition Mel – Piquenique das Artes
Sat 29 and Sun 30
Parque da Devesa | 17h00 and 12h00

Free entry | Main target: Families, for all ages | Organisation: Associação Elogio Vadio

The characteristic that distinguishes humanity from other species: the ability to be both Species and its negation, Anti-Species. 
The human species, by maintaining geophagy behaviour, leads to the degradation of the ecosystem that makes its very existence possible. 
Through the arts, a reflection on the various ecosystems: natural, environmental, social, community and cultural.

Saturday 29
17h00 - Cultural Gymnasium (learning service)
19h00 – Kick-off picnic
21h00 - Wild Strings Trio (Music, Slovenia)
22h30 - Jhon Douglas (Musica, Brazil)

Sunday 30
12h00 – Closing picnic
15h30 - O Eixo do Jazz Ensemble (Music, Portugal | Galicia - Spain)

311 readings