Agenda Municipal / Movies À Flor da Pele

À Flor da Pele
Sat 20 May
Close-Up - Famalicão Cinema Observatory: Episode 7.3 programme

Small auditorium | 17h30

Admission: 2 euros | Quadrilateral Card: 1 euro | Free admission: Students, seniors and members of the cineclubs | Portugal, 2006 | Directed by: Catarina Mourão | Rating: M12 | Running time: 60 min

The European Football Championship was underway. All eyes were on the stadiums, players and matches. I decided to look away slightly, and notice what was happening next to the stadiums, outside the TV screens: boys and girls growing up, fighting, children looking like adults, adults behaving like children, a country plunged into recession and apathy to the expected victory of the Portuguese team to tuck in the ego. But in the end nothing changed and life went on... Malmequer, Bem-me-quer or O Diário de uma Encomenda (2004, 50 min) will also be screened, a film about the process of making a documentary, but above all a flashback diary of the director's experience when confronted with a film commissioned by television.
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