Agenda Municipal / Circus Art Àmostra: Contemporary Circus

Àmostra: Contemporary Circus
Tue 28 Jun to Sun 3 Jul
Casa das Artes programme

Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 21h30

Admission: 4 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (from 65 years old): 2 euros

Co-production Instituto Nacional de Artes do Circo / Casa das Artes | Presentation of the first professional work of the Finalist Students of the National Institute of Circus Arts

Jun 28

Erik Aarøy Meling - Untitled

Is it possible to speak to a general audience the way you speak to a group of friends intimately? To be so clear with what you communicate that you can have people's full attention in the palm of your hand? Erik tries to communicate how he sees the world through his yellow glasses.

Ana Toro Bardeci - Tránsito Fluctuante

With reference to the myth of Medusa, priestess of the temple of Athena, who is raped by the god Poseidon and blamed for this act. This piece seeks to portray the transformation of a female body in 3 moments: physical beauty, understood as prison; guilt, as a symbol of self-oppression and the search for freedom as a symbol of acceptance.

Anthi Papadimitriou - Kiklos

KIKLOS (circle) is a parallel universe, generated by an arbitrary modification of events. Possessing its own dimensions of time and space, KIKLOS is a moment of reflection dedicated to the fragility of human existence in the face of the problems of contemporary society. Multicoloured confetti, raw and soft sounds, hoops. The human body celebrates its mental limits through music, political speeches, dance. KIKLOS is an attempt to question the decay of the self in today's world.

Josh & Cloé - Yāna

Inspired by spiritual practices around the world, this duet transmits ancient wisdom through spiralling movements in acrobatics, martial arts and dance. In the modern world, we can easily disconnect from our inner selves. But the more we acknowledge ourselves, the more we can consciously shape our future. With unique and fluid movements, two parts of a being are portrayed. The transformation of the unconscious into the conscious. Yāna is Sanskrit and means vehicle or also a type or method of practice in Buddhism. This show is a vehicle that takes the audience on a journey through human nature.

Jun 29

Jessica Lane - Prelude

Prelude is based on the myth of the warrior maiden or the incredible fragility of the strong woman. Alone, an equilibrist at the height of her imbalance, retraces her steps after a lunatic and eloquent awakening. Her absence inhabits a taut wire in a private universe, through clothes of yesteryear and poetry about the fragile circus she created while walking here. Prelude is a story about misplacement or an imbalance ready to objectify itself.

Anton Birkholz -

Limited environments, desire for liberation, loops, codes, rhythms, new codes. A game on stage that plays with the relationship between sound and action through juggling and movement. "" is a study of patterns, lines, causes and effects, which form the rules of human existence and questions the control one has to create new possibilities.

Alisa Cheburkova - Vatra

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in... The sunrise follows the darkness, only to be swallowed by it again. Life. Death. Life... The hope of spring turns to the melancholy of autumn, and no summer will ever be forever. How can something so powerful and eternal, like love, be contained in something so fragile and ephemeral, like life? Rise. Falling. Elevation... We are the wind that was here a moment ago, we are the flow of the river and the whisper of falling autumn leaves. You can learn not to feel it, but you cannot straighten the spiral of time. Performance where the inverted and contorted movement represents different states of nature and the spinning platform embodies the eternal and unstoppable passage of time in the cycle of life.

Lina Siragaki - Synesthesia

Synesthesia is a work that points out under a microscope the stages of human life from prenatal development to adulthood. It is the story of a girl trying to follow her own path while facing the rules and standards of a cold and conservative society. In this journey, the pure and deep connection between child and mother emerges to remind us that love is what motivates us to continue on this path called life.

Jun 30

Luca Paties Moreira - Vitamin P

A goal, a black line and a vertical path. Rutin" is considered a substance that is good for the functioning of the organism. Vitamin P... an antioxidant show that allows cells to receive nutrients from the ground.

Uria Shemesh - Shu?

My mother said, 'you can't judge someone until you walk in their shoes.' We can learn a lot about a person through their shoes. The type of shoe, the model, the age, the condition, the size, the signs of wear, how tight the shoe knots are, how dirty they are, the smell.... It's like following footprints, the closer you look at the shoes, the more you can absorb, they will reveal everything about your person. In this show the relationship between your unicycle, and the shoes that fill the gap between them will be displayed.

Corey Leighton - Coffee Beats

Reality is a mix of fact and fiction. With the use of circus, rap and rhythmic beats, I try to make sense of it all. In this piece you will find both the absurd and the truth. It's up to you to decide which is which. Oh, and there will be coffee, lots of coffee!

Sofya Polyakova - From Nothing

Through dreams and memories, through life in search of something, something real, meaningful, something of my own.

Jul 1

Eline Sophie Nijboer - A constant reminder

One day you discover that the years are behind you, but nobody told you when to run. And you run and run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking and rising behind you again. Light and dark, and light again. No matter how hard we spin, In the end, the sun will always win. It runs and runs and never stops. And I'm running and running, out of time.

Zoë Aldekoa - Argiz beterik burua

Glows in suspension. Passing through different corporealities and textures unravels and travels off its own axis. Disconnection between mind and present, in an exorbitant reality that takes you out of the place where you are. What happens when there is no one else in the space?

Manuela Carvalho - Let me descover

Starting from an investigation with everyday objects, "Deixa-me des cobrir" brings the construction of an intimate universe where different textures of movements transpire to the body on stage. What hides me? What reveals me? What moves me? These are questions that transform this universe.

Ivo Nicolau - OQNEPOMNOZCANC - What was not for Manel, nor Zé ate, in fact, nobody ate.

From skeptics to skeptics a tarot reading, a dish rotting but always edible, a Swallow that swims, a voice that commands and a guy that justifies everything without concretizing his words. Nothing will be for nothing if an imagined purpose is. Let us also take Nothing into consideration. And if possible let us make the observation a work and not a mere action. Interpretation is free and so should we be.

Jul 2

Tamara - Do not open

This is the story of a femme fatale who unleashes all the evils of the universe, or seen from another perspective; how all the evils of the universe ended up inside a box. It may be that in this story we find the answer to whether a being is evil by nature or it is society that corrupts him, or for our luck, provoke more questions.

Ali Luque - Alienation or Ali in action

A play that through circus and theatrical language portrays the transformation of society's reflection on women into a dance with our inner monsters. The duality between expectations, rules, standards and freedom, pleasure, catharsis. What is right and what is wrong? Madness welcomes me into the comfort of intimacy where all that weight disappears.

Evangelia Mosiou - Stepping Stones

Life is made of limitations and motivations, making everyone's path different and unique through the choices made. In "Stepping Stones" the artist explores the different stages of life she has gone through through through the decisions she has made. What would have happened if she had made different choices? Using blocks of wooden pins as a metaphor for her life path, she travels from reality to an imaginary world, from the known to the unknown, from the specific to the abstract. She overcomes limits and finds her way to life between moments of chaos and disorder.

David dAlmeida - THEIR dawn

Stage in the murky and central range of the gender identity spectrum. Exposing and destroying stereotypes, deconstructing gender binarity and abolishing categorisation based on appearance. 'THEIR dawn' represents a journey from self-discovery to self-acceptance.

Jul 3

Callum Donald - That dance my fingers do when I'm thinking

Multi-tasking is not really something we are capable of doing. It's a fallacy we've invented because we can't concentrate on one task. But doing things unconsciously? Well, that's something we do all the time, from the first coffee of the day to brushing our teeth at night. This show explores the experience of dissociation through the medium of circus, taking the dissociation of body and mind to greater heights and risks, pushing the boundaries of what seems possible to do without full focus. What are we able to do while our mind is elsewhere?

Alvin Yong Kin Hoe - Soul Time

Everyone wants to believe that their life is meaningful, but how do you measure that? Alvin examines his own journey, reconstructing scenes of when things fell apart and how he dealt with those broken pieces. Through the sensations of listening, touching and feeling, he connects us to the attachment, between mind and body that he has drawn not only in his artistic journey, but in life.

Diego Lama - Nonno, Nonno !

"Memory... is the diary we all carry with us" (Oscar Wilde) A journey through the memories of grandparents. Listening to their stories and reliving the happiest, most romantic and unfortunately, even the scariest moments. All told in the lightness of each day, between proverbs and a coffee.

980 readings