Agenda Municipal / Movies Aparajito

Sat 11 May
CLOSE-UP Programme - Famalicão Film Observatory: Episode 8.3

Casa das Artes | Small auditorium - 17h30

Admission: General: 2 euros. Quadrilateral card, students, seniors and film club members: 1 euro | India, 1956 | Directed by: Satyajit Ray | Cast: Karuna Bannerjee, Kanu Bannerjee, Pinaki Sengupta | Rating: M/12 | Running time: 110 min | Reviewed by Teresa Garcia, director and director of the association Os Filhos de Lumière.

A train crosses a bridge over the river. And soon we're in the holy city of Benares, on the banks of the Ganges, where Apu and his parents are starting their family life all over again. Apu is 10 years old and a bright, curious student. But misfortune forces him to return to his home village with his mother. Apu wins a scholarship to study in Calcutta, which forces him to separate from his mother. In this second episode of Satyajit Ray's "Apu trilogy", a beautiful mother/son relationship is at the centre of the film, in which we see Apu pass on some of what he learns at school to his mother, who sacrifices herself so that he can study. The Undefeated was awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, where the film-maker decided it would be the second title in a trilogy dedicated to Apu. The Undefeated is the most beautiful film in this trilogy and one of Ray's masterpieces.

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