Applications are now open for next year's ‘Casa Feliz - Apoio à Renda’ programme, promoted by Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council.
For 2025, the municipality led by Mário Passos has decided to increase - by around 25 per cent - the support granted in the three existing brackets (A, B and C) and to create a fourth bracket (D), allowing the measure to reach more families.
The support is thus divided into brackets A, B, C and D, corresponding to 125, 95, 65 and 50 euros per month. The subsidy period is 12 months.
Those interested must submit their application by 31 October, via the platform.
It should be remembered that the programme aims to support famalicenses who find themselves in a situation of economic need and who need support to pay their rent.
The conditions for applying, as well as the form and documents required for the process are those established by the Regulatory Code on Granting Support and can be consulted on the Municipality's website, at
This year, the City Council is helping 334 Famalicense families to pay their rent, in a municipal investment totalling 309 thousand euros.
The recent changes to the municipal rent support regulations also allow exceptional requests to be submitted - provided they are duly substantiated - outside of the normal application period. This exceptional support can be submitted throughout the year, takes effect from the month following the month in which the application is submitted and lasts until the end of the corresponding calendar year.
It should be remembered that, in addition to the rent support programme that has been in place since 2012, the Casa Feliz programme began in 2005 with support for building work. With this project, families who need it most have access to financial support of up to 5,000 euros to carry out home repairs, providing the minimum conditions for well-being.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Town Hall by email at or by telephone on 252 320 900 / 800 292 827 (free).