Agenda Municipal / Dance Autopsy

Fri 29 Apr
Casa das Artes programme

Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 21h30

Admission: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Qaudrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 3 euros | Rating: M/14 | Duration: 90 m

Everything we love is about to die. Everything is always about to die. Distress comes in waves of pain and grief. Where the body is excluded from understanding, there remain the abandoned places. Places of memory open to other events, places of mutation waiting for a transformed existence.
And after the avalanche how fragile everything is! Everything is there in front of us, and yet there are stories that are not written anywhere. Things of nothing... Frustrated singularities.

Artistic File
Directed by: Olga Roriz
Performers: André de Campos, Beatriz Dias, António Godinho, Catarina Câmara, Marta Lobato Faria e Yonel Serrano
Soundtrack Conception: João Rapozo
Music selection: Olga Roriz, João Rapozo and Bruno Alexandre Music by Acid Arabe, Christian Feenesz, Dirty beaches, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Kangding Ray, Ernst Reijseger, Ben Frost, Sunn O)))), Colin Stetson and Sarah Neufeld
Set and costume design: Olga Roriz and Ana Vaz
Lighting design: Cristina Piedade
Video conception Olga Roriz and João Rapozo
Video capture team: Henrique Pina and Lee Fuzeta
Video post-production João Rapozo
Creative assistance: Bruno Alexandre
Set design assistance: Miguel Justino
Rehearsal assistance trainees: Andreia Serrada, Catarina Camacho and Marta Jardim
Light and video editing and operation: João Chicó | Contrapeso
Sound editing and operation: Pontozurca Companhia Olga Roriz

Olga Roriz Company
Directed by: Olga Roriz
Production and tours: António Quadros Ferro
Management: Magda Bull
FOR Dance Theatre and Residencies: Lina Duarte
In co-production with São Luiz Teatro Municipal and Teatro Municipal Sá de Miranda

941 readings