Agenda Municipal / Conferences B-Smart Week

Wed 21 to Sun 25
Praça D. Maria II

CONFERENCES – June 21 to 25
B-Smart Forum
Venue: Auditório da Fundação Cupertino de Miranda
Ágora B-Smart na Praça D. Maria II

EXPO B-Smart
Venue: Praça D. Maria II 

Catering – June 22 to 25
Venue: Praça da Alimentação - Praça D. Maria II
Pizzalence, Camionete, Roma Romã, Até te Babas - Pastéis de Chaves, Classe Bar
Cultural Animation – 23 e 24 de junho
Venue: Praça D. Maria II
June 23 - Sunset (Sax & Dj Residente) – 18h00-20h00 
- Quarteto Sofia Machado (Jazz & Soul) – 21h00-23h00
June 24 - Sunset (Sax & Dj Residente) – 18h00-20h00
- Resident DJ – 21h00-23h00



Wednesday, June 21
Venue: Fundação Cupertino de Miranda

10h00 - Opening
• Mário Passos (CM Famalicão), Vitor Moreira (CM Famalicão) e Vitor Pereira (Zoom Global Smart Cities)

10h30 - The urgency for strategy, innovation and leadership to embrace a complex future
• Rob Adams – Six Fingers

11h00 - Where are smart cities being built in Portugal?
• Ricardo Rio – Mayor of CM Braga  (to confirm)
• João Machado - Town councillor of CM Aveiro
• Carlos Alves - Vice President of CM Arruda dos Vinhos
•  Nuno Salvador - Head of IT Modernization and Intelligent Systems Division at CM Pombal
• Jorge Coelho - Head of Innovation, Digital Transformation and Information Systems Division of CM Faro
• Vitor Moreira - Municipal Director of CM Famalicão
• Moderator: Miguel Castro Neto – Nova IMS

12h30 - Transformation: Business, Society and Technology
• Natalia Olson-Urtecho - Plug and Play

13h00 - Lunch

14h00 - Smart Heritage and Sustainable Cities: Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies
• Konstantina Siountri - Scientific Advisor to the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy

14h30 - Smart Cities, Smart Regions and Smart Countries: the challenges of urban intelligence for promoting a sustainable future.
• Miguel de Castro Neto - Nova IMS
• Carlos Neves - Zoom Global Smart Cities
• Ana Fragata - FICIS
• Catarina Selada - CEIIA
• Moderator: Vítor Pereira – Zoom Global Smart Cities

16h00 - Coffee Break

16h30 - What does it take to build the smart city?
• Raul Junqueiro - DST
• Gonçalo Nascimento - NOS
• Vasco Pinheiro - Focus BC
• André Guimarães - Ubiwhere
• Gonçalo Antunes - Sotecnisol
• Filipe Portela - IOTECH
• Moderator: Vitor Pereira (Zoom Global Smart Cities)

17h30 – Closing


Thursday, June 22
Venue: Fundação Cupertino de Miranda

10h00 - Opening
• Vítor Pereira – Zoom Global Smart Cities

10h15 - The present and future of smart mobility in smart cities
• Boyd Cohen - Iomob

10h45 - Bable Smart Cities and the tools to make cities really smart
• João Petinga Almeida - Bable Smart Cities 

11h15 - Coffee Break

11h45 - The digital and physical infrastructure and how to promote and protect citizens and places
• Marina Ostrowski - MarinaOs 
• Kiran Bhagotra - ProtectBox 
• Rob Adams - SixFingers 
• Boyd Cohen - lomob
• Moderator: Jorge Saraiva - Smart Cities Marketplace

13h00 – Lunch

Venue: Ágora - Praça D. Maria II

14h00 - The time for small and medium-sized towns, recipes for attracting and retaining talent.
• Vitor Pereira – Zoom Global Smart Cities 

14h30 - A society in Transition towards values of cultural, social, economic and environmental sustainability.
• Bruno Veloso - ADENE
• Mariana Batista - Art&Tur
• Manuel Vieira Lopes - Casas em Movimento
• Nuno Alexandre Cunha - Quadrilátero
• José Gomes Mendes - Fundação Casais
• Moderator: Rui Nuno Castro - AlphaCoimbra

16h00 - Beyond the smart city: the era of smart communities.
• Jorge Saraiva - Smart Cities Marketplace

16h30 – Closing

Friday, June 23
Venue: Ágora - Praça D. Maria II

09h15 - Bio Construction in urban space
Bio Construção
• Mário Roriz - Earthship Experience
Passive ventilation system
•Pedro Correia e Miguel Guimarães
Student accommodation
• Carlos Pedro Oliveira e Marina Tenório

10H15 - Questions & answers

10h45 - Exchange of Good Construction Practices (Presentation of good practices)
• Benjamim Pereira – Architect and Mayor of CM Esposende

11h30 – Platform for Occurrence Management
• Mário Passos - Mayor CM Famalicão
• Vitor Moreira – Municipal Director CM Famalicão

12h30 – Lunch

14h30 - Building Smart Cities in the various aspects (Sharing Experiences - Best Practices)
Interaction with the audience
• João Rodrigues – Town councillor of CM Braga
• CM Pombal (to confirm)
• António Bebiano - Town councillor of CM Ovar
• Rui Mesquita – Smartcity Lagoa
• Moderador: Vitor Pereira – Zoom Global

16h30 - Building Smart Cities in the various aspects (Sharing Experiences - Best Practices)
Interaction with the audience
• Ricardo Machado – Smartcity CM Guimarães
• Hernâni Dias – Mayor of CM Bragança
• Marta Cotrim – Head of Marketing and Innovation Division of CM Cascais
• Carlos Pereira - CM Ponte de Lima
• Moderator: Vitor Pereira – Zoom Global


Saturday, June 24
Venue: Ágora - Praça D. Maria II

10h00 – Smart City For Kids: S10: Ideas laboratory
10-year-old children from the Camilo Castelo Branco School Grouping discuss their expectations regarding the implementation of the SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals.
Moderators: Prof.ª Raquel Azevedo and Prof. Pedro Afonso

11h00 – “Young people as local agents of smartization".
"Thinking about a smart city and knowledge and action as challenges for the smartisation of Famalicão" will be the topics of a conversation whose protagonists are students from the 12th year of the Camilo Castelo Branco School Grouping.
Moderator: Prof.ª Raquel Azevedo

15h00 – B-Smart Famalicão
• Urban Intelligence Centre


Sunday, June 25
Venue: Ágora - Praça D. Maria II

14h30 - Transition from Top Competition to the Corporate World - A More Sustainable Vision
• Marco Fortes - Olympic Weightlifting Athlete
• Carlos Andrade – Former Basketball player for clubs such as FC Porto, SL Benfica and USA
• Manuel Centeno - Former BodyBoard World and European Champion
• Paulo Marques – Former Dakar racer and champion

16h00 - Briefing session on Electric Vehicles
• Pedro Isidoro - Vice-president of UVE - Electric Vehicle Users Association
• Manuel Reis - Vice-president of UVE - Electric Vehicle Users Association
200 readings

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