Agenda Municipal / Theatre Bad auditions by bad actors

Bad auditions by bad actors
Wed 31 Jul
Casa das Artes programme

Casa das Artes | Small auditorium – 18h00 and 21h30

Entry: 2 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 1 euro | Running time: 70 min | Classe B: Baú dos Segredos

Carolina, a beginner in the art of directing, has one day to find the leads for her community theatre production: "Romeo and Juliet". But what seemed like a relatively simple task becomes impossible when the list of candidates includes extreme method actors, performers who don't know how to channel their anger and a woman who may or may not think she's a cat. This hilarious comedy will take you to the last place you want to be... inside a casting room.

Cast: Classe A e B, do Baú dos Segredos
Text adaptation: Ana J. Regueiras
Staging: Ana J. Regueiras
Costumes and Characterisation: Cármen Regueiras
Sound design and lighting: Equipa técnica da Casa Das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Production: Baú dos Segredos, em Coprodução com a Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão

239 readings