Agenda Municipal / Training and workshops Dark Energy Synthesis

Dark Energy Synthesis
Fri 17 Nov
Festival BINNAR 2023

Escola Profissional do INA | More information at:

Free | With Hugo Paquete

Hugo Paquete (aka Da Mata Paquete) is a Portuguese sound artist and researcher, with a PhD in Digital Media Art and a degree in Musicology: musical sciences. He develops projects focussed on the performance of electronic music, acousmatic music and sound art, crossing procedures between musical composition and digital art. He explores the ways in which various scientific fields, such as physics, astronomy or biology, can serve as symbolic inspiration for new post-digital aesthetic models with influences from post-minimal and post-techno music. His extensive work has been presented all over the world, at renowned events such as the Ars Eletronica Festival, In-Sonora, Sweet Thunder Festival, IMA/ Structures at ZKM | Institute of Music and Acoustics, PNEM Sound Art Festival at the New Experimental Music Platform, 39-Imeb-concours internationaux de Bourges Musiques electroacoustiques et Arts Electroniques, Música Viva Festival, FILE Festival, among many others. Performance: November 17

274 readings