Agenda Municipal / Gastronomy Dias à Mesa – Meat with chestnuts

Dias à Mesa – Meat with chestnuts
12th to 15th Nov
Vila Nova de Famalicão, participating restaurants.

On the days of 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of November, the use of chestnuts in the confection of other products, as well as the use of other dried fruits, gives the motto for this event. This chestnut fruit, which has been part of our diet since time immemorial, is not lacking in versatility.
In this event, the City Council of Vila Nova de Famalicão joins the XIIth Edition of the Gastronomic Weekends promoted by the Tourism of Porto e Norte de Portugal.

Participating restaurants:
Alfa;El Vagabundo; Oprato; Amaury; Fondue; Páteo das Figueiras; Bisconde; Garfo Dourado; Tosco; Casa dos Frangos de Baltar; Marco Vinha Nova; Casa Pêga; Moutados; Churrascão Sousa; O Caçarola.

10% discount in restaurants, for visitors who go to the Tourism Information in Famalicão.

1 Dinner or Lunch for two, for the first 20 visitors who prove, at the end of 2020, that they have participated in all the events of Dias à Mesa 2020.

More Information at
3066 readings

Eventos que vão acontecer

Dias à Mesa – Pasta
26th to 29th Nov


Dias à Mesa – Pasta

Vila Nova de Famalicão: participating restaurants

10% discount in restaurants, for visitors who go to the Tourism Information in Famalicão.
More informations at