Agenda Municipal / Diverse Discovering Industrial Tourism

Discovering Industrial Tourism
Wed 12 to Fri 14 Apr
VNF | 11h00 and 15h00

The Grupo Dinamizador da Rede Portuguesa do Turismo Industrial (Steering Group of the Portuguese Industrial Tourism Network) invites you to participate in the second edition of the national agenda of activities Discovering Industrial Tourism, which annually aims to reveal and promote the places and experiences associated with living industry and industrial heritage in Portugal.

Wednesday 12th April
Guided tours Textile Industry Museum of Bacia do Ave | 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (Prior booking required)
Free entry | Contacts: 252 313 986 and

The Ave Basin Textile Industry Museum was founded in 1987 as a research project in industrial archaeology, with the aim of studying the process of industrialisation of this region and contributing to the preservation of its industrial heritage. The Museum develops several activities, such as guided tours, pedagogical activities, exhibitions, conservation and restoration of equipment and machinery of archaeological-industrial interest, collection and conservation of historical documentation, oral history projects, regular edition of publications, seminars, conferences and courses on industrial heritage. Housed in the former Fábrica de Fiação e Tecelagem de Lã - Lanifícia do Outeiro, Lda, it houses a Permanent Exhibition, and also has a specialised Library, a Documentation Centre, a Business Archives Centre, and an Area for Temporary Exhibitions.

Thursday 13 April
Guided tours of the Automobile Museum | 11am and 3pm (Prior booking required)
Free entry | Contacts 252 314 045 and

The Automobile Museum of Vila Nova de Famalicão has come to fulfil the dream of the automobile lovers, contributing to reaffirm as the Antique Automobile Capital. The genesis of this museum lies in the creation of the Clube Automóvel Antigo e Clássico de Vila Nova de Famalicão, which, throughout time, has fostered several initiatives that contributed to the creation of a museological space dedicated to the Automobile, such as the organization of historical parades and two great exhibitions, organized in 1997 and 2005. With a museum area of over 3,000 m2, throughout the exhibition this museum will give visitors the opportunity to take a retrospective journey through the evolution of automobile design throughout the 20th century.

Friday, 14th April
Guided tours of Castro Vinhos de Portugal | 3 p.m. (Prior booking required)
Free entry | Contacts: 252 378 794 and

Castro Vinhos de Portugal was born out of a Passion. The family's passion for creating unique, singular wines, with market differentiation. Much more than a wine producing company, it is a place, which can offer countless experiences. In the vineyard visit, visitors may learn about its culture, its castes and characteristics of the region. The visit to the winery allows to know the whole process of vinification, conservation, filling, labelling and functionality of the equipment, culminating with a tasting of the house wine. Perfectly supplying the national market and having great capacity to supply a good part of its international expectations, Castro stands out for the quality and innovation of its wines, being a company, which seeks to differentiate itself in the world of green wines.

Note: This activity is accessible to people with specific needs. There is parking for people with reduced mobility.
Organisation: Grupo Dinamizador da Rede Portuguesa do Turismo Industrial
Partnership: Famalicão City Council
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