Agenda Municipal / Circus Art Elephant Island – premiere

Elephant Island – premiere
Sat 29 Apr
Narciso Ferreira Theatre programme

Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 21h30

Free tickets subject to pick up, one hour and a half before each performance. Limit of four tickets per person. Ticket reservation not applicable | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 60 min

This show is part of the project "Panorama - Protagonizing New Risks in Contemporary Circus", financed by the program Partis & Art for Change, an initiative of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and La Caixa Foundation, with the support of Vila Nova de Famalicão City Hall and in partnership with 6 institutions that develop activities with disabled people (AFPAD, APPACDM, Centro Social e Paroquial Ribeirão, ACIP, ATC and Centro Social e Paroquial de Landim), Riopele and Loja Circos. This project will take place in 2023 and 2024, proposing annually a wide range of activities, including an artistic research laboratory, performance and public presentation of an inclusive circus show at Narciso Ferreira Theatre. In this first edition 5 youngsters from AFPAD, APPACDM, Centro Social e Paroquial Ribeirão were selected.

List of credits
Artistic direction: Carolina Vasconcelos
Production: Lueli Cristina and Juliana Moura
Light Technician: Luís Machado
Rigger: André Freitas
Costumes: Lucala
Set design: André Santos
Musical composition and sound design: André Borges
Creators: Ariana Sebastião, Daniel Barbosa, Joaquim Lemos, Nuno Mendes, Sofia Encarnação, Pedro Freitas and Rui Areal
439 readings