Agenda Municipal / Diverse European Mobility Week 2024

Every year from 16 to 22 September, European citizens have the opportunity to promote a whole week of activities dedicated to sustainable mobility, with the aim of facilitating a broad debate on the need to change behaviour in relation to mobility, particularly with regard to the use of private cars. The Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão, through the Transport and Mobility Department, once again intends to mark European Mobility Week, with the campaign's central theme this year being ‘Shared Public Space’.
Monday 16 to Sunday 22
Antique Bicycle Exhibition
PROMOTER: ARDLA (Associação Recreativa Desportiva Lazer Ave)
Location: Famalicão Bus Station
Tuesday 17th
Awareness Action: Shared Public Space - In Safety (with VR simulation goggles)
Promoter: ANSR (National Road Safety Authority) and APSI (Association for the Promotion of Child Safety)
Location: Famalicão Bus Station
Monday 16 and Friday 20 | 10h00 to 12h00
17, 18 and 19 | 14h30 to 17h00
Come, visit the Bus Station, and learn how to get around safely
Visit the Famalicão Bus Station and do the road circuit
Registration limited to 20 participants:
Saturday 21st
Pedalling to raise awareness of the use of light mobility
Time: From 4pm to 6pm
Route leaving from Alameda Dr Francisco Sá Carneiro, passing through Parque da Devesa, crossing the city to Praça Dona Maria, returning along Avenida 25 de Abril to Parque de Sinçães, ending with a Sunset with music and a DJ.
Sunday 22nd
European Car Free Day - Shared Public Space
Time: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: Praça D. Maria II
Recreational, educational, cultural and sporting activities; Road Education School; cycling circuit; reading promotion; Eco Carrosel; Eco Roller Coast; traditional games
Tempo de Ser dance show by the Gindança Academy
Time: From 5pm to 6.30pm
Location: Praça D. Maria II
Mobility Market
Time: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: Praça D. Maria II
ARDLA - Associação Recreativa Desportiva Lazer Ave
An Dança - VNF Dance Conservatory
Gindança Academy
Pedome Foosball Association
Famabasket - Famalicão Basketball Club
Castro Alves Foundation
FAC - Famalicense Atlético Clube, Basketball
Ford Hermotor
Be Kids Famalicão
Rotary Vila Nova de Famalicão
Lions Vila Nova de Famalicão