Agenda Municipal / Music Fábio Lindolfo + Cláudia Madur

Caffè-concerto | 21h30
Entry: 3 euros. Students and Cultural Quadrilateral Card: 1,5 euros | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 80 min
A co-production of Casa das Artes de Famalicão and ACAFADO - Famalicão Fado Cultural & Artistic Association
Highlighting Fado, Casa das Artes will celebrate it monthly and, besides receiving consecrated Fado singers, new interpreters, musicians and even composers will be given the opportunity. At Café Concerto, these Fado evenings will take place, as if it were a typical and traditional "tasca" (traditional tavern), elevating and accompanying the recognition of "our" Fado, asIntangible Cultural Heritage, attested by UNESCO.
1st part - Fábio Lindolfo
2nd part - Cláudia Madur
Portuguese Guitar - João Martins
Fado Guitar - João Araújo
Bass - Filipe Fernandes