Agenda Municipal / Children Family Lab: Science of Mirrors

Sun 20 Feb
Devesa Park Programme
Devesa Park | Educational Services - 10h00
Audience: Children (from 4 years) in family | Free | Registration advised via email to
RSU to be brought by participants: 1 roll of cardboard (toilet paper or kitchen paper). Why can you see your image in a mirror or even in a pool of clear water? In this workshop you will explore the science of mirrors and light reflection to learn how to build your own Kaleidoscope. Conceived and directed by Paula Alves, Family Lab project.
Devesa Park | Educational Services - 10h00
Audience: Children (from 4 years) in family | Free | Registration advised via email to
RSU to be brought by participants: 1 roll of cardboard (toilet paper or kitchen paper). Why can you see your image in a mirror or even in a pool of clear water? In this workshop you will explore the science of mirrors and light reflection to learn how to build your own Kaleidoscope. Conceived and directed by Paula Alves, Family Lab project.
1078 readings