Agenda Municipal / Movies Filmus 2

Casa das Artes | Grand auditorium - 21h45
Entry: 4 euros | Quadrilateral card, students, seniors and members of the cineclubs: 2 euros | Rating: M/6 | Duration: 50 min
“The image is more beautiful when it is auditory, evoking the sounds of the moment.” Mia Couto in Pensatempos
The fusion of a movie session with the universe of television will allow us to revive memories, to relive moments that have been forgotten. Together with the image, the music (performed live with a theatrical component) will play an essential role in the journey towards those memories. The mixture of film and reality will create a narrative vision that only those who watch it will be able to take away with them. Following on from the success of the show premiered in 2010, Fil'Mus2 maintains the same concept of fusing the recorded image, often made specifically for the show, with all the sounds performed live and with even more theatrical interaction with the images and innovations that will make the show unforgettable.
ACERT’s creation
Accordion: Nuno Silva
Double Bass: Miguel Cardoso
Guitar: André Cardoso
Percussion instrument: Rui Lúcio
Saxophones: Rodrigo Neves
Art Direction and Conception: Miguel Cardoso
Theatrical coordination: Pompeu José and José Rui Martins
Musical composition “A Dog’s Life”: Rui Lúcio
Musical arrangement “Sinkin’ in the bathtub”: Manuel Maio
Other arrangements: Miguel Cardoso
Animations of “Animated Fil’mus”: Tiago Sami Pereira
Video: Zito Marques
Sound: Luís Viegas
Light design: Paulo Neto
Graphic design: Zé Tavares
Photography: Carlos Teles and Rui Coimbra
Costume: Coletivo
Dressmaker: Sandra Rodrigues