Agenda Municipal / Exhibitions Guided tour: People also tune in!

Sun 21 May
Devesa Park programme (within the Biodiversity Week)
Casa do Território | 15h00
Registration is advised to or through the link
"It is urgent to tune people, birds and flowers. This is the motto of this guided visit to the installation "Cidade Orizuro" at Casa do Território. Let's get to know better this creation of the Theatrical Company, making a journey where everything is possible to imagine, dream... and materialise!
Casa do Território | 15h00
Registration is advised to or through the link
"It is urgent to tune people, birds and flowers. This is the motto of this guided visit to the installation "Cidade Orizuro" at Casa do Território. Let's get to know better this creation of the Theatrical Company, making a journey where everything is possible to imagine, dream... and materialise!
245 readings