Agenda Municipal / Dance Handkerchief - A crossroads of dances

Handkerchief - A crossroads of dances
Sat 14 and 28 Oct
Saturday 14, Bairro – Salão Paroquial - 21h30
Saturday 28, Riba de Ave – Narciso Ferreira Theatre (premiere) - 21h30

Free entry until the room is full

Rating: M/6 | Duration: 50 min

The moving, dancing body is the vehicle through which societies represent their desires, wishes, fantasies and longings, but it is also the engine for sublimating feelings, transforming itself into a form of artistic communication. The "Lenço" was born out of a moment of sharing, research and artistic creation with the Famalicense community of Bairro, Carreira, Bente, Delães, Ruivães and Novais, whose starting point was the historical, social, traditional and ethnographic vision of one of the iconic traditions of the Minho territory, "The Lovers' Handkerchief". The poetics contained in the embroidery iconography and the messages of love and longing of the Lenço dos Namorados were mixed with other traditions intrinsic to the territory, from the physical expressions of typical Minho dances to contemporary creation. This choreography could not have taken place without the generous and essential participation of all the performers who, through their bodies and souls, supported by their dedication and creativity, were the essential key to the development of this show.

Original idea: Vasco Macide
Conception, creation and choreography: Cristina Pereira, Tamar Porceljin and Vasco Macide
Cast: Elements of Comunidade da CSIF de Bairro, Carreira, Bente, Delães, Ruivães and Novais
Scenic and musical setting: Cristina Pereira, Tamar Porceljin and Vasco Macide
Light design: Miguel Moço
Costume design: Adriana Menezes
Production: Molécula Fértil / ITZ-Intranzyt Cia
Coproduction: Narciso Ferreira Theatre
This project is funded by Famalicão City Council's Há Cultura 2023-2025 Programme, in co-production with the Narciso Ferreira Theatre, and aims to build annual artistic co-creation projects between the entities of the Sobre o Palco Performing Arts Platform and the local community.

306 readings