Agenda Municipal / Conferences Historical Education and transgenerational heritage

Historical Education  and transgenerational heritage
Fri 29 and Sat 30 Sep
Fundação Cupertino de Miranda | Audithorium - 14h00

Mandatory registration: | Credited by CFAEVNF with 13h / CCPFC / ACC-120633/23 | Main target: Teachers of the follwowing disciplinary groups: 200, 210, 220, 240, 290, 300, 400, 410, 420, 530, 600 and open to the public

In the sense that Human Rights Education is essential for preventing violations and for making democracy a sustainable system, this meeting aims to provide teachers and the general public with the necessary knowledge to understand and critically reflect on the various moments from the 20th century to the present day and to analyse the carefully sensitive records in relation to the experiences and memories of war and its consequences, which are reflected in the works of art. It also aims to encourage the construction of pedagogical and didactic tools, related to curricular content, to reinforce students' learning and identity by integrating local history into a national and global context.

In continuity with the "Encounters: From Famalicão to the World" that began in 2020, in which the relationship between Local History in a national and global context has been strengthened, this "IV Meeting" aims to disseminate and debate issues related to History Education and transgenerational inheritances, as well as to scrutinise the possibility of approaching knowledge of artistic practices in these conditions.

The face-to-face meeting will take place over two mornings and one afternoon, with plenary sessions aimed at promoting a space for interdisciplinary and comparative sharing and reflection through debate on problems, approaches, methodologies and research practices, with a view to exchanges between researchers and teachers.


29 September (Friday)
14h00 - Opening
Mário Passos, Mayor of Vila Nova de Famalicão
14h30 - Teaching painful pasts in Spain through the Stolpersteine memorial (Enseñar pasados dolorosos en España a través del micro memorial Stolpersteine)
Marta Sanchez (University of Barcelona)
15h30 - Debate
15h45 - Break
16h00 - Teaching the Holocaust in Portugal - Cláudia Ninhos (IHC-NOVA Lisbon)
17h00 - Fragments of Life - a project in Portuguese
Cláudia Ninhos - IHC-NOVA Lisbon and Marta Torres (APH)
Closing Ceremony

30 September (Saturday)
09h30 - Europe and transgenerational inheritance: the traumatic past in an uncertain present.
Bruno Madeira - CITCEM/FLUP and Luís Alberto Alves - CITCEM/FLUP
10h30 - Debate
10h45 - Coffee break
11h00 - Panel of works carried out in a classroom context - teaching the Holocaust
"Shoah: a life lesson?" - Marcelo Magalhães - Colégio de Ermesinde
"The History Chest, images from another time..." - Maria João Duarte - Nova da Maia College
12h00 - Debate
12h30 - Lunch break
15h00 - Presentation of the travelling exhibition "Famalicenses in the Nazi Concentration System"
Arminda Ferreira - CMVNF and Claúdia Ninhos - IHC-NOVA Lisbon
15h45 - Break
16h00 - Documentary "Journey to the Sun"
Ansgar Schaefer - IHC-NOVA Lisbon
       - Podcast "You Come From War"
Mário Espada - producer Kintop
17h45 - Debate
18h00 - Closing Ceremony
Augusto Lima, Councillor for Education
Pedro Oliveira, Councillor for Culture

Scientific Coordination: Arminda Ferreira (CMVNF); Luís Alberto Alves (CITCEM/FLUP): Cláudia Ninhos (IHC-NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST and Aristides de Sousa Mendes Foundation); Filipa Sousa Lopes (IHC-NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST); Cristina Climaco (LER - Paris 8 University); António Gonçalves (Ala da Frente Municipal Gallery); Isabel Barca (CITCEM/FLUP); Miguel Barros (APH) and Aurora Marques (CFAEVNF).

540 readings