Agenda Municipal / Parties, Fairs and Pilgrims Holy Week - Easter 2023

Until 15 Apr
Confraria das Santas Chagas programme
Vila Nova de Famalicão | All events are free access
Wednesday, February 22nd
Imposition of Ashes
New Mother Church | 19h15
With Ash Wednesday we begin Lent. The horizon of this liturgical season is the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus that we will celebrate at Easter. That's where we're heading and that's where we define the coordinates of our trip. This celebration is the “beginning and foundation” of the 40 days that prepare us for the Lord's Passover and put us in the exercise of converting our lives from God.
Saturday, March 25th
1st Walk through the Religious Heritage of Famalicão
Santo Adrião Pastoral Center - Vila Nova de Famalicão | 10h00
Prior registration until March 24 at the following locations: Casa da Cultura, Tourist Office and Parish of Santo Adrião
Route: Rua Álvaro Castelões - Alminhas do Senhor do Cabido and Capela da Lapa-; Rua Ernesto Carvalho, cross Avenida 25 de Abril; Rua Júlio de Araújo, Praça 9 de Abril - Old Mother Church – Church of Santa Maria Madalena-, Alameda Luis de Camões; Parque da Juventude – Rua Luis de Camões - , Rua Padre Benjamim Salgado, at the roundabout of the pools Avenida de França, at the roundabout D. Sancho Avenida José Manuel Marques, at the roundabout of Rotários, Rua do Senhor da Agonia - Alminhas do Senhor da Ponte or Senhor da Agonia-, at the roundabout Rua Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires - Alminhas da Igreja Santiago de Antas-, at the roundabout Alameda Caminhos de Santiago, Parque da Devesa, exit to Avenida Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, cross Avenida Marechal Humberto Delgado to Rua Vasconcelos e Castro, Rua Álvaro Roçadas - Capela de Santo António and Capela da Senhora da Conceição-, Avenida Narciso Ferreira, at the roundabout go again to Avenida Marechal Humberto Delgado and from there pass Avenida Brasil to Parque Sinçães, cross the iron bridge to Rua Ana Plácido, Rua Artur Cupertino de Miranda, at the roundabout Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Salão Paroquial de Vila Nova de Famalicão.
Distance: 5.34Km
Friday, March 31st
Via Sacra Jovem
Leaving the Igreja Matriz Nova | 21h30
Route: start inside the Igreja Matriz Nova, Rua Álvaro Castelões, Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua de S. António, Praça 9 de Abril and end inside the Old Igreja Matriz.
The Via-Sacra is part of the traditions most cherished by Catholics, especially during Lent. It is a spiritual exercise – and, in some cases, also a physical one – that helps those who do it to relive the passion and death of the Lord Jesus, accompanying the One who gave his life for humanity and learning from Him the “way of the cross”, the path of all men and women, even more of all Christians.
Saturday, 01 and Sunday, 02 April
II Edition of the Sweet Easter Contest
Alameda D. Maria II | 10h00
With the presence of pastry shops from Vila Nova de Famalicão and others. And as Easter is also made of traditions, here we like to keep them. We like sweets like sponge cake and almonds. Feel the beauty of the traditional ceremonies of Holy Week and Easter and taste sweets for all tastes.
Saturday April 1st | Sweet Easter | Alameda D. Maria II
10h30 | Apolo Famalicense Dance Association
15h00 | Brass Concert/ARTAVE.
15h00 | 1st Contest of Homemade Easter Sweets for Amateurs.
17h00 | Conversation and tasting of green wine
Saturday April 1st
Easter concert 2023
New Mother Church | 21h30
Vila Nova de Famalicão Music Band
Directed by: Armando Teixeira
- Echos of San Marco (Johan de Meji)
- Noah's Ark (Oscar Navarro)
- La Passio de Crist (Ferrer Ferran)
- Hallelujah Chorus (Handel's Messiah)
Sunday, April 2nd
Blessing and Procession of Palms
April 9th Square | 10h00
Route: Praça 9 de Abril, Rua de Santo António, Praça D. Maria II, Rua Alves Roçadas, Rua S. João de Deus; Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Igreja Matriz Nova
HOLY WEEK opens with the celebration of Palm Sunday. The liturgy already places us before the account of the passion of Jesus. The liturgy as it asks us to
let us observe the way in which Jesus positions himself in the face of events. Jesus is welcomed as King, but his style of royalty encounters resistance, shocks and causes discomfort. What the texts also show is that, even in the face of closed doors and closed hearts, Jesus remained.
Re-creation of Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
April 9th Square | 11h00
Five days before death. Jesus, meek and humble, riding on a donkey, descended from the Mount of Olives towards Jerusalem. The people went out to
meeting, covering the way with their cloaks and branches of trees.
The children and all the people applauded him with enthusiasm: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
Eucharist on Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
New Mother Church | 11h15
Palm Sunday is the gateway to Holy Week. On this day the Church commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, to consummate his paschal mystery.
It is an entrance that represents in advance what is to come, his glorious Resurrection, in the Celestial Jerusalem. Jesus, however, wanted to reach triumph by passing through the Passion and Death. That is why the Gospel of the Passion is read at the Missa de Ramos. The faithful are invited to look to Jesus, who "suffered for us, leaving us an example, so that we should follow in his steps"
Biblical Parade Hebrew Easter - 2nd Edition
Santo Adrião Parish Hall | 15h00
Route: Pastoral Center of Santo Adrião, Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Alameda D. Maria II, Rua Lourenço da Silva Oliveira; Praça D. Maria II, Rua de Santo António, Praça 9 de Abril.
He is a personal God, a God of encounters - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, now also of Moses -, able to sympathize because he listens and is willing and knows every suffering and every cry of pain, come he may where to come.
This parade has a historical line that intends to show the oppression of Israel and its liberation, by God, under the yoke of the Egyptians.
Frigyes Hidas Easter Concert "Requiem"
New Mother Church | 18h30
Symphonic choral music
Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th
Easter Film Cycle 2023
Casa das Artes | Small Auditorium | 21h30
Free entry
Day 4/4 – A Noiva by Sérgio Trefaut, M/12, 79 min.
Day 5/4 – Return to Dust by Li Ruijun', M/12, 130 min.
Thursday, 06 | 8:30 pm and Friday, April 7th | 14h00 and 20h30
Animation in the streets of the city by a group of Farricocos, with rattles and treculae
Former Mother Church
The Farricocos, are symbols of Holy Week that travel through the city, with their penitent habits, with their rattles and treculae to call the city's population to ceremonies and processions;
Thursday, April 06
Mass of the Lord's Supper
New Mother Church | 18h00
This Holy Thursday, liturgical texts propose that we contemplate this Supper from three central ideas: The institution of the Eucharist; Service as an identity trait of Jesus and Christians; The ministerial priesthood as a witness.
Last supper
April 9th Square | 21h00
On Thursday, after Jesus has washed the disciples' feet in a large room in Jerusalem, he celebrates a Passover meal with them, the Last Supper.
During the meal, after Judas has left to carry out his betrayal, Jesus gives a long speech, or preaching.
Procession of Our Lord “ECCE HOMO”
Former Mother Church | 21h30
Route: Rua de Santo António, Praça D. Maria II, Rua Álvaro Roçadas, Rua S. João de Deus, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua de Santo António, Praça 9 de Abril and the Old Mother Church.
Popularly known as the procession of Senhor da Cana Verde and which evokes the judgment of Christ, when Pilate, addressing the crowd, proclaimed: “Behold the Man”
Friday, April 07
Liturgical Prayer of Lauds
Former Mother Church | 10h30
Celebration of the Lord's Passion
New Mother Church | 14h45
On Good Friday we accompany Jesus to the Cross. Reading the gospel according to Saint John invites us to look at this picture beyond the violence and pain. What fascinated the evangelist was the way Jesus faced and experienced these events. The Cross is a place of revelation where Jesus-God shows the extent to which he loves humanity and wants to be united with it.
Celebration of the Lord's Death:
Part 1 - Liturgy of the Word
2nd Part - Universal Prayer
Part 3 - Adoration of the Cross
Part 4 - Eucharistic Communion
Theophoric Procession of the Burial is a ceremonial integrated in the celebration that commemorates the death of Christ. In this procession, the Blessed Sacrament is enclosed in a coffin and taken through the center of the Church to a lateral altar, where it is deposited.
Procession of the Burial of the Lord
Former Mother Church | 21h30
Route: Rua de Santo António, Praça D. Maria II, Rua Álvaro Roçadas, Rua S. João de Deus, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua de Santo António, Praça 9 de Abril and the Old Mother Church
The Procession of the Lord's Burial is the most imposing and solemn public manifestation of Holy Week. Like a funeral procession, the procession includes a coffin with the image of the dead Christ, together with the litter of Our Lady of Sorrows. As a sign of mourning, participants go with their heads covered. The farricocos' rattles are silenced. Flags and banners, with a mourning stripe, drag across the ground.
Saturday, April 08
Easter Vigil and Resurrection Procession
Location: New Mother Church | 21h00
The Easter Vigil is by far the richest celebration of the liturgical year. Rich in symbols (fire, light, perfume, water), rich in texts (which condense the history of salvation, from Creation to the Resurrection of Jesus) and, above all, in promise: the promise that death and evil, although obviously real, will be won. Tonight we talk about human history and its dreams and mishaps, but we also talk about the intimate story of God and what the Trinity wants to do in us: give us Life.
Part 1 - Liturgy of the Word
2nd Part - Universal Prayer
Part 3 - Adoration of the Cross
Part 4 - Eucharistic Communion
Sunday, April 9 (Easter Day)
Exit of the Pascal Compass
Former Mother Church | 21h30
Nowadays, and due to the close relationship of the unique mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, celebrated during the Easter Triduum, the visiting group is chaired by the parish priest or by someone delegated by him and made up of some members of the parish community. Preserving the rite of blessing of the houses, it also includes a moment of community and family prayer, and ends with the kiss of the Holy Cross, or another sign of adoration.
Solemn Eucharist of Easter Day
New Mother Church | 12h30
The gospel reading on this day illustrates the progressive effects of Jesus' resurrection on his disciples. From the trauma of the loss, they move on to confusion in the face of a feeling of emptiness; from emptiness they pass to the presentiment of a surprise and to the resurgence of hope; hope leads them to communication, encounter and sharing. These are texts that speak at the same time of fragility and strength, or perhaps healing. Without ever relativizing the weight of the tomb, the texts say "Jesus died and yet he is alive!" He is risen. Hallelujah
Saturday, April 15th
Easter Concert (Closing)
Mozart's Coronation Mass
New Mother Church | 21h30
Orchestra: ARTAVE (Professors ARTAVE and CCM) and CCM Choir
Conductor: Luís Machado
W.A. Mozart - Symphony No. 35 "Haffner"
W.A. Mozart - "Coronation Mass"
Brotherhood of the Holy Wounds of Vila Nova de Famalicão
City Hall of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Parish of Santo Adrião in Vila Nova de Famalicão
ACIF (Industrial and Commercial Association of Vila Nova de Famalicão)
Board of Nucleus of the National Corps of Scouts of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Casa das Artes in Vila Nova de Famalicão
Union of Parishes of Vila Nova de Famalicão and Calendário
Famalicenses Volunteer Firefighters Association
Movements of the Parish of Santo Adrião de Vila Nova de Famalicão
AmarCultura Project Association
Vila Nova de Famalicão Music Band;
Joane's Cineclub
Apolo Famalicão Dance Association
Amarcultura and CNE Grouping 206 Santo Adrião Parish
CSIF Social Commissions Inter – Parishes of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Orfeão Famalicense
Famalicão Canal
Instagram confrariasantaschagas
Vila Nova de Famalicão | All events are free access
Wednesday, February 22nd
Imposition of Ashes
New Mother Church | 19h15
With Ash Wednesday we begin Lent. The horizon of this liturgical season is the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus that we will celebrate at Easter. That's where we're heading and that's where we define the coordinates of our trip. This celebration is the “beginning and foundation” of the 40 days that prepare us for the Lord's Passover and put us in the exercise of converting our lives from God.
Saturday, March 25th
1st Walk through the Religious Heritage of Famalicão
Santo Adrião Pastoral Center - Vila Nova de Famalicão | 10h00
Prior registration until March 24 at the following locations: Casa da Cultura, Tourist Office and Parish of Santo Adrião
Route: Rua Álvaro Castelões - Alminhas do Senhor do Cabido and Capela da Lapa-; Rua Ernesto Carvalho, cross Avenida 25 de Abril; Rua Júlio de Araújo, Praça 9 de Abril - Old Mother Church – Church of Santa Maria Madalena-, Alameda Luis de Camões; Parque da Juventude – Rua Luis de Camões - , Rua Padre Benjamim Salgado, at the roundabout of the pools Avenida de França, at the roundabout D. Sancho Avenida José Manuel Marques, at the roundabout of Rotários, Rua do Senhor da Agonia - Alminhas do Senhor da Ponte or Senhor da Agonia-, at the roundabout Rua Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires - Alminhas da Igreja Santiago de Antas-, at the roundabout Alameda Caminhos de Santiago, Parque da Devesa, exit to Avenida Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, cross Avenida Marechal Humberto Delgado to Rua Vasconcelos e Castro, Rua Álvaro Roçadas - Capela de Santo António and Capela da Senhora da Conceição-, Avenida Narciso Ferreira, at the roundabout go again to Avenida Marechal Humberto Delgado and from there pass Avenida Brasil to Parque Sinçães, cross the iron bridge to Rua Ana Plácido, Rua Artur Cupertino de Miranda, at the roundabout Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Salão Paroquial de Vila Nova de Famalicão.
Distance: 5.34Km
Friday, March 31st
Via Sacra Jovem
Leaving the Igreja Matriz Nova | 21h30
Route: start inside the Igreja Matriz Nova, Rua Álvaro Castelões, Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua de S. António, Praça 9 de Abril and end inside the Old Igreja Matriz.
The Via-Sacra is part of the traditions most cherished by Catholics, especially during Lent. It is a spiritual exercise – and, in some cases, also a physical one – that helps those who do it to relive the passion and death of the Lord Jesus, accompanying the One who gave his life for humanity and learning from Him the “way of the cross”, the path of all men and women, even more of all Christians.
Saturday, 01 and Sunday, 02 April
II Edition of the Sweet Easter Contest
Alameda D. Maria II | 10h00
With the presence of pastry shops from Vila Nova de Famalicão and others. And as Easter is also made of traditions, here we like to keep them. We like sweets like sponge cake and almonds. Feel the beauty of the traditional ceremonies of Holy Week and Easter and taste sweets for all tastes.
Saturday April 1st | Sweet Easter | Alameda D. Maria II
10h30 | Apolo Famalicense Dance Association
15h00 | Brass Concert/ARTAVE.
15h00 | 1st Contest of Homemade Easter Sweets for Amateurs.
17h00 | Conversation and tasting of green wine
Saturday April 1st
Easter concert 2023
New Mother Church | 21h30
Vila Nova de Famalicão Music Band
Directed by: Armando Teixeira
- Echos of San Marco (Johan de Meji)
- Noah's Ark (Oscar Navarro)
- La Passio de Crist (Ferrer Ferran)
- Hallelujah Chorus (Handel's Messiah)
Sunday, April 2nd
Blessing and Procession of Palms
April 9th Square | 10h00
Route: Praça 9 de Abril, Rua de Santo António, Praça D. Maria II, Rua Alves Roçadas, Rua S. João de Deus; Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Igreja Matriz Nova
HOLY WEEK opens with the celebration of Palm Sunday. The liturgy already places us before the account of the passion of Jesus. The liturgy as it asks us to
let us observe the way in which Jesus positions himself in the face of events. Jesus is welcomed as King, but his style of royalty encounters resistance, shocks and causes discomfort. What the texts also show is that, even in the face of closed doors and closed hearts, Jesus remained.
Re-creation of Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
April 9th Square | 11h00
Five days before death. Jesus, meek and humble, riding on a donkey, descended from the Mount of Olives towards Jerusalem. The people went out to
meeting, covering the way with their cloaks and branches of trees.
The children and all the people applauded him with enthusiasm: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
Eucharist on Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
New Mother Church | 11h15
Palm Sunday is the gateway to Holy Week. On this day the Church commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, to consummate his paschal mystery.
It is an entrance that represents in advance what is to come, his glorious Resurrection, in the Celestial Jerusalem. Jesus, however, wanted to reach triumph by passing through the Passion and Death. That is why the Gospel of the Passion is read at the Missa de Ramos. The faithful are invited to look to Jesus, who "suffered for us, leaving us an example, so that we should follow in his steps"
Biblical Parade Hebrew Easter - 2nd Edition
Santo Adrião Parish Hall | 15h00
Route: Pastoral Center of Santo Adrião, Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Alameda D. Maria II, Rua Lourenço da Silva Oliveira; Praça D. Maria II, Rua de Santo António, Praça 9 de Abril.
He is a personal God, a God of encounters - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, now also of Moses -, able to sympathize because he listens and is willing and knows every suffering and every cry of pain, come he may where to come.
This parade has a historical line that intends to show the oppression of Israel and its liberation, by God, under the yoke of the Egyptians.
Frigyes Hidas Easter Concert "Requiem"
New Mother Church | 18h30
Symphonic choral music
Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th
Easter Film Cycle 2023
Casa das Artes | Small Auditorium | 21h30
Free entry
Day 4/4 – A Noiva by Sérgio Trefaut, M/12, 79 min.
Day 5/4 – Return to Dust by Li Ruijun', M/12, 130 min.
Thursday, 06 | 8:30 pm and Friday, April 7th | 14h00 and 20h30
Animation in the streets of the city by a group of Farricocos, with rattles and treculae
Former Mother Church
The Farricocos, are symbols of Holy Week that travel through the city, with their penitent habits, with their rattles and treculae to call the city's population to ceremonies and processions;
Thursday, April 06
Mass of the Lord's Supper
New Mother Church | 18h00
This Holy Thursday, liturgical texts propose that we contemplate this Supper from three central ideas: The institution of the Eucharist; Service as an identity trait of Jesus and Christians; The ministerial priesthood as a witness.
Last supper
April 9th Square | 21h00
On Thursday, after Jesus has washed the disciples' feet in a large room in Jerusalem, he celebrates a Passover meal with them, the Last Supper.
During the meal, after Judas has left to carry out his betrayal, Jesus gives a long speech, or preaching.
Procession of Our Lord “ECCE HOMO”
Former Mother Church | 21h30
Route: Rua de Santo António, Praça D. Maria II, Rua Álvaro Roçadas, Rua S. João de Deus, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua de Santo António, Praça 9 de Abril and the Old Mother Church.
Popularly known as the procession of Senhor da Cana Verde and which evokes the judgment of Christ, when Pilate, addressing the crowd, proclaimed: “Behold the Man”
Friday, April 07
Liturgical Prayer of Lauds
Former Mother Church | 10h30
Celebration of the Lord's Passion
New Mother Church | 14h45
On Good Friday we accompany Jesus to the Cross. Reading the gospel according to Saint John invites us to look at this picture beyond the violence and pain. What fascinated the evangelist was the way Jesus faced and experienced these events. The Cross is a place of revelation where Jesus-God shows the extent to which he loves humanity and wants to be united with it.
Celebration of the Lord's Death:
Part 1 - Liturgy of the Word
2nd Part - Universal Prayer
Part 3 - Adoration of the Cross
Part 4 - Eucharistic Communion
Theophoric Procession of the Burial is a ceremonial integrated in the celebration that commemorates the death of Christ. In this procession, the Blessed Sacrament is enclosed in a coffin and taken through the center of the Church to a lateral altar, where it is deposited.
Procession of the Burial of the Lord
Former Mother Church | 21h30
Route: Rua de Santo António, Praça D. Maria II, Rua Álvaro Roçadas, Rua S. João de Deus, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua de Santo António, Praça 9 de Abril and the Old Mother Church
The Procession of the Lord's Burial is the most imposing and solemn public manifestation of Holy Week. Like a funeral procession, the procession includes a coffin with the image of the dead Christ, together with the litter of Our Lady of Sorrows. As a sign of mourning, participants go with their heads covered. The farricocos' rattles are silenced. Flags and banners, with a mourning stripe, drag across the ground.
Saturday, April 08
Easter Vigil and Resurrection Procession
Location: New Mother Church | 21h00
The Easter Vigil is by far the richest celebration of the liturgical year. Rich in symbols (fire, light, perfume, water), rich in texts (which condense the history of salvation, from Creation to the Resurrection of Jesus) and, above all, in promise: the promise that death and evil, although obviously real, will be won. Tonight we talk about human history and its dreams and mishaps, but we also talk about the intimate story of God and what the Trinity wants to do in us: give us Life.
Part 1 - Liturgy of the Word
2nd Part - Universal Prayer
Part 3 - Adoration of the Cross
Part 4 - Eucharistic Communion
Sunday, April 9 (Easter Day)
Exit of the Pascal Compass
Former Mother Church | 21h30
Nowadays, and due to the close relationship of the unique mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, celebrated during the Easter Triduum, the visiting group is chaired by the parish priest or by someone delegated by him and made up of some members of the parish community. Preserving the rite of blessing of the houses, it also includes a moment of community and family prayer, and ends with the kiss of the Holy Cross, or another sign of adoration.
Solemn Eucharist of Easter Day
New Mother Church | 12h30
The gospel reading on this day illustrates the progressive effects of Jesus' resurrection on his disciples. From the trauma of the loss, they move on to confusion in the face of a feeling of emptiness; from emptiness they pass to the presentiment of a surprise and to the resurgence of hope; hope leads them to communication, encounter and sharing. These are texts that speak at the same time of fragility and strength, or perhaps healing. Without ever relativizing the weight of the tomb, the texts say "Jesus died and yet he is alive!" He is risen. Hallelujah
Saturday, April 15th
Easter Concert (Closing)
Mozart's Coronation Mass
New Mother Church | 21h30
Orchestra: ARTAVE (Professors ARTAVE and CCM) and CCM Choir
Conductor: Luís Machado
W.A. Mozart - Symphony No. 35 "Haffner"
W.A. Mozart - "Coronation Mass"
Brotherhood of the Holy Wounds of Vila Nova de Famalicão
City Hall of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Parish of Santo Adrião in Vila Nova de Famalicão
ACIF (Industrial and Commercial Association of Vila Nova de Famalicão)
Board of Nucleus of the National Corps of Scouts of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Casa das Artes in Vila Nova de Famalicão
Union of Parishes of Vila Nova de Famalicão and Calendário
Famalicenses Volunteer Firefighters Association
Movements of the Parish of Santo Adrião de Vila Nova de Famalicão
AmarCultura Project Association
Vila Nova de Famalicão Music Band;
Joane's Cineclub
Apolo Famalicão Dance Association
Amarcultura and CNE Grouping 206 Santo Adrião Parish
CSIF Social Commissions Inter – Parishes of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Orfeão Famalicense
Famalicão Canal
Instagram confrariasantaschagas
744 readings