Agenda Municipal / Parties, Fairs and Pilgrims Holy Week - Easter 2024

Saturday 16th
Santo Adrião Parish Hall | 10h00
This walk offers participants a brief summary of the history of each of the city's religious monuments and a quick overview of their importance in the history of Vila Nova de Famalicão. Following an itinerary that values pilgrimage, which also means socialising, getting to know and exploring heritage, the visit ends with a snack, where the famous Pão de Ló (sponge cake) and a glass of sparkling vinho verde (green wine) reign in the Parish Hall.
Old Church | 21h30
First part- Agora Manticora
Second part - Klezmer Kafé
Sunday 17th
Live Stations of the Cross
St Adrian's Parish Hall | 16h30
Free entry, but tickets must be collected
Type: Musical Drama | Actors: 51, 45 people with disabilities and 6 collaborators
Thursday 21st
Screening of the film: Master Gardener by Paul Schrader
Casa das Artes | 21h30
Free admission, limited to capacity
Friday 22nd
Youth Way of the Cross
New Parish Church | 21h30
Route: New Parish Church, Rua Álvaro Castelões, Rua Manuel Pinto de Sousa, Rua Adriano Pinto Bastos, Rua de Santo António, Praça 9 de Abril and Old Parish Church
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th
3rd edition Certame Páscoa Doce
Alameda D. Maria II | 10h00
Programme (Saturday)
10h00 – Opening
15h00 – 2º edition of the Contest “2024 Easter Sweet"
16h00 – Concert with SIM.som
17h00 – Workshops: Chocolate and Conventual Sweets
18h30 – Announcement of winner and delivery of the awards
Sunday 24th
Blessing and Procession of the Branches
Praça 9 de Abril | 10h00
Palm Sunday Eucharist in the Passion of the Lord
Igreja Matriz Nova | 11h00
Hebrew Passover Bible Procession - 3rd Edition
Salão Paroquial de Santo Adrião | 15h00
Concert of Altos do Bairro
Igreja Matriz Antiga | 18h30
Wednesday 27th
Easter concert
Igreja Matriz Antiga | 21h30
Thursday 28th
Mass of the Lord's Supper
Igreja Matriz Nova | 18h00
Last Supper re-enactment
Praça 9 de Abril | 21h00
Procession of the Lord of "ECCE HOMO"
Igreja Matriz Antiga | 21h30
Friday 29th
Liturgical Prayer of Lauds on Good Friday
Igreja Matriz Antiga | 10h30
Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Igreja Matriz Nova | 14h45
Reenactment of the Trial and Condemnation of Jesus
Praça 9 de Abril | 20h30
Procession of the Burial of the Lord
Igreja Matriz Antiga | 21h30
Saturday 30th
Easter Vigil
Igreja Matriz Nova | 21h00
Easter Sunday 31st
Departure of Easter Compass
Igreja Matriz Antiga | 09h30
Solemn Easter Eucharist
Igreja Matriz Nova | 12h30
Confraria das Santas Chagas de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Paróquia de Santo Adrião de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Instagram: confrariasantaschagas