Agenda Municipal / Educational activities Little mouse and the red wall

Thu 01 and Frid 02 Sep
BMCCB programme
Riba de Ave Library Centre – 10h30 or 14h30
Target audience: ATL's and other institutions | Sessions scheduled according to availability, at least 15 days in advance | 252 981 620
Nobody knew where it began or ended, or even how it got there. In fact, no one seemed to notice him. But Little Mouse was curious. "I wonder what's beyond the big red wall?" he thought. A wonderful and inspiring story, about facing fears, discovering freedom and embracing change, in ourselves and in the world.
A book with timeless questions, essential for all ages.
Author: Britta Teckentrup
Riba de Ave Library Centre – 10h30 or 14h30
Target audience: ATL's and other institutions | Sessions scheduled according to availability, at least 15 days in advance | 252 981 620
Nobody knew where it began or ended, or even how it got there. In fact, no one seemed to notice him. But Little Mouse was curious. "I wonder what's beyond the big red wall?" he thought. A wonderful and inspiring story, about facing fears, discovering freedom and embracing change, in ourselves and in the world.
A book with timeless questions, essential for all ages.
Author: Britta Teckentrup
330 readings