Agenda Municipal / Theatre Little Red Riding Hood

Sat 27 Nov
Casa das Artes programme
Small Auditorium - 11h00 and 15h00
Entry: 5 euros for adults, with free entry for children | Duration: 25 m | Classification: 6 months to 3 years
"Mama, grandma, forest, cake." The spoken word, narrated from an opening book, suggests the transformative power of setting into imagery. "Beware, wolf, dangerous." The mother-narrator warns the stranger. And the Little Red Riding Hood-ballerina, on her singular journey, dances in the moonlight with the lying wolf, in the forest that is also the home of the grandmother with the mouth so big that it turned out to be the wolf, who was not so bad but who was hungry. The hunter hears the cry and does not kill, but saves. The moral is soothing.
A play assembled from unexpected contrasts that serve to illuminate each of its elements, animate characters, flesh and blood, and inanimate, the objects of the scenery. The corporal expression and the dance reveal the profile of the sonority of the syllable and the music. Who can remain indifferent to the wonderful Duet of Cats and to The Exaltation of the Animals? The image, the movement, the sound and the words exquisitely synchronized, in an auto in which once upon a time there was an enchanted, dramatic and vividly enchanting story. Jini Afonso
Technical Sheet
Staging: Paulo Lage
Choreography: Elsa Madeira
Performers: Cheila Lima, Duarte Melo and Sofia Loureiro
Set design: Ana Paula Rocha
Costumes: Mónica Cunha
Costume production: Mestra Olga Amorim
Props: Xana Capela
Vocal direction: Silvia Filipe
Lighting design: Pedro Nabais
Sound: Frederico Pereira
Musical Arrangements Carlos Garcia and Elmano Coelho
Based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault
Small Auditorium - 11h00 and 15h00
Entry: 5 euros for adults, with free entry for children | Duration: 25 m | Classification: 6 months to 3 years
"Mama, grandma, forest, cake." The spoken word, narrated from an opening book, suggests the transformative power of setting into imagery. "Beware, wolf, dangerous." The mother-narrator warns the stranger. And the Little Red Riding Hood-ballerina, on her singular journey, dances in the moonlight with the lying wolf, in the forest that is also the home of the grandmother with the mouth so big that it turned out to be the wolf, who was not so bad but who was hungry. The hunter hears the cry and does not kill, but saves. The moral is soothing.
A play assembled from unexpected contrasts that serve to illuminate each of its elements, animate characters, flesh and blood, and inanimate, the objects of the scenery. The corporal expression and the dance reveal the profile of the sonority of the syllable and the music. Who can remain indifferent to the wonderful Duet of Cats and to The Exaltation of the Animals? The image, the movement, the sound and the words exquisitely synchronized, in an auto in which once upon a time there was an enchanted, dramatic and vividly enchanting story. Jini Afonso
Technical Sheet
Staging: Paulo Lage
Choreography: Elsa Madeira
Performers: Cheila Lima, Duarte Melo and Sofia Loureiro
Set design: Ana Paula Rocha
Costumes: Mónica Cunha
Costume production: Mestra Olga Amorim
Props: Xana Capela
Vocal direction: Silvia Filipe
Lighting design: Pedro Nabais
Sound: Frederico Pereira
Musical Arrangements Carlos Garcia and Elmano Coelho
Based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault
1074 readings