Agenda Municipal / Theatre Maria, the Mother - Elmano Sancho's Theatre

Maria, the Mother - Elmano Sancho's Theatre
Fri 22th and Sat 23th Jan
Program House of Arts

House of Arts | Grand Auditorium - 8:45 pm
Entrada: 6€ | Cartão Quadrilátero, Estudantes e Seniores: 3€ / Entry: 6€ | Quadrilatero card, Students and Seniors: 3€

The Holy Family, a rectangular wooden box where the images of Joseph, Mary and Jesus are found, is a small portable oratory. On the left side door are written the names of the subscribers who intend to welcome it at home and follow the teachings of the family of Nazareth. The cult dates to the fifteenth century and exists in some villages of the country. This oratory is the common scenic element of the three texts that make up The Holy Family of Elmano Sancho: Joseph the father; Mary the mother; Jesus the son. Mary the mother, the second text of the trilogy on the family, is a text on loss, pain, loneliness, old age, forgetfulness and death.

1859 readings