Agenda Municipal / Exhibitions Mário Cesariny

Mário Cesariny
Perm Exp
Cupertino de Miranda Foundation Programme

2nd Floor of the Fundação Cupertino de Miranda | Monday to Friday from 10h00 to 12h30 and from 14h00 to 18h00. Saturdays and holidays from 14h00 to 18h00. Closed on Sundays and on the following days: 1st of January; Good Friday; Corpus Christi; 1st of May; 15th of August; 8th, 24th, 25th and 31st of December.

The Cupertino de Miranda Foundation shares some aspects of the arrangement of the objects that made up the interior of his house. A set of objects positioned in no apparent order and in constant transformation: they kept rotating; they changed functions; and they refused hierarchies of values.
Photographs, works of art (especially by friends), simple papers, books, painting and drawing materials, popular and organic objects mixed the profane and the sacred, the poetic and the prophetic, the national and the international. They also show her particular fondness for cats and some of the relationships she had with personalities from the arts and literature, such as Sophia de Mello Breyner, Maria Helena Vieira da Silva and Paula Rego. His work continues to represent in the most exemplary way Surrealism as an expression and above all, as a revolutionary way of seeing, understanding and living life.

1643 readings