Agenda Municipal / Training and workshops Masterclass: Contemporary Circus and Public Space

Sat 24 Jul
Teatro da Didascália programme
VaudeVille Rendez-Vous International Festival
Devesa Park | Casa do Território - 15h00
Form registration through the website | Main target: Specialised audience | Running time: 2 hours | Number of participants: limited to 25 participants.
For specialized audiences around subject specifically developed in the creation of the piece presented at the Festival (Copyleft), taking advantage of the presence of the respective specialists/artists.
For more information, please visit
VaudeVille Rendez-Vous International Festival
Devesa Park | Casa do Território - 15h00
Form registration through the website | Main target: Specialised audience | Running time: 2 hours | Number of participants: limited to 25 participants.
For specialized audiences around subject specifically developed in the creation of the piece presented at the Festival (Copyleft), taking advantage of the presence of the respective specialists/artists.
For more information, please visit
1008 readings