Agenda Municipal / Music Mel: Picnic of Arts 2023

Mel: Picnic of Arts 2023
3, 4 and 5 Aug
Devesa park | 21h00

The Sublime. Sublimation - From solid to gaseous: without passing through the liquid state.
A reflection on the different states of the same element. The tank... future incubator for reptiles and batrachians. Robust, rugged...  Fitting in with the characteristics of the Devesa Park, it blends in at the root. It works!

Thursday, 03
21h00 - Manifesto Mel n.º2 (Ginásio Cultural n.ª2 -  a catequese)
21h30 - João Filipe da Costa Oliveira (Jam Session of Homage)

Friday, 04
21h00 - Marquise
22h30 - Verbian

Saturday, 05
21h00 - Che ChaBón Trio
22h30 - Sofá de Freud

Visual Arts
Until August 5

VNF | CRU - Espaço Cultural

Free admission | C.A.V. Pedagógico
612 readings