Agenda Municipal / Children Mister Seahorse

Until 24 Feb
BMCCB Programme
Tuesday to Thursday | Riba de Ave | Library Centre - 10h15
Target Audience: nursery and daycare | Sessions scheduled according to schedule availability, at least 15 days in advance | 252 981 620
In most fish families, once the mother has laid her eggs and the father has fertilised them, no one guards the eggs. However, this is not always the case, as is the case with seahorses, porcupines, tilapia, kurtus gulliveri, pipefish, catfish and many others. In these cases, not only is one of the parents looking after the eggs with great care; but also - surprise, surprise - this parent is the father. It is true: wonderful things do happen at the bottom of the sea.
Author: Eric Carle
Tuesday to Thursday | Riba de Ave | Library Centre - 10h15
Target Audience: nursery and daycare | Sessions scheduled according to schedule availability, at least 15 days in advance | 252 981 620
In most fish families, once the mother has laid her eggs and the father has fertilised them, no one guards the eggs. However, this is not always the case, as is the case with seahorses, porcupines, tilapia, kurtus gulliveri, pipefish, catfish and many others. In these cases, not only is one of the parents looking after the eggs with great care; but also - surprise, surprise - this parent is the father. It is true: wonderful things do happen at the bottom of the sea.
Author: Eric Carle
1043 readings