Agenda Municipal / Diverse Mix and Move

Mix and Move
Sat 17 to Thu 22 Sep
European Mobility Week 2022 (Famalicão)

D. Maria II square | 10h00

European Mobility Week aims to promote activities aimed at reducing road traffic in cities, contributing to improved mobility, quality of life in urban areas and the sustainability of natural resources. The aim of this initiative is to draw the population's attention to rethink the way they travel within the city, encouraging the replacement of private cars by the use of public transport and soft modes of transport.

The Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão, through the Department for Mobility and Road Safety, intends, once again, to mark the European Mobility Week, whose central theme is: "Better Connections" with the promotional slogan of the campaign "Mix and Move", in the Portuguese version "Combina e Move-te". 

One of the actions to be carried out is called Pelo Chão da Cidade, on 17 September 2022, through the dynamisation of several street animation activities that will take place in D. Maria II Square, from the north top to the south top and Lourenço Silva Oliveira Street, and on 22 September the commemoration of the European Car Free Day, in Ribeirão parish.

The aim of these activities is to raise the awareness of the whole community for a more sustainable mobility and the use of public space directed towards people rather than cars.

17th September 2022
Across the City Floor
Schedule: 10h00 - 18h30      
Venue: D. Maria II Square (from the north top to the south top) and João Faria dos Guimarães Street
Audience: General population
Organisation: Mobility and Road Safety Department
- Promotion of several recreational, educational and sports activities.

- Escola de Educação Rodoviária (Road Education School) - Mobility and Road Safety Department
- Traditional games area - Mobility and Road Safety Department
- Bibliomovel; Storytime; Game "Hunt for the Book - "Biblioteca Municipal Camilo Castelo Branco 
- Milkshakes with the Heart - Using a milkshake bicycle, while pedalling you will transform fruit into a delicious milkshake.
- Cata Vento Workshop - Soledade Malvar Museum House
- Move with Bernardino Machado - Bernardino Machado Museum
- Dance performances - Apolo Famalicão
- Dance performances - An Dança
- Afro-Latin contemporary, jazz, ballet and flex dance demonstrations - Gindança Academy
- Moments of animation with circus arts, experimentation on tin stilts and tyre racing, Mural: How would a city without cars be - Projeto Mais Vale Prevenir; Fénix and Projetando a Vida
- Exhibition and experimentation of muscle and electric bicycles Urban/Citadina - Famabike
- Ride along the city's cycle paths; Awareness ride for scooter users - Afa Cycles
- Demonstrations of the sport, long-distance throwing - FAC Handball
- Demonstrations of sport, interaction with coaches, recreational games - FAC Basketball
- Artistic ceramic workshop - Castro Alves Foundation
- Fazrefaz" workshop - Lousado Residential Complex
- Basketball demonstrations - Famabasket
- Crossfit demonstrations - Crossfit
- Antique bicycles exhibition and experimentation - ARDLA - Associação Recreativa Desportiva Lazer Ave
- Dancing demonstrations - M Dancers Academy

10h00 Zumba class - Fitness UP (Stage)
11h00 Pilates class - Viva LightHealthclub (Stage)
11h30 Kickboxing - Viva LightHealthclub
14h30 - 16h30 Screening and assessment with nutritionists / personal trainer - Fitness UP Famalicão
14h30 Story time - Camilo Castelo Branco Municipal Library
15h00 Crossfit class - Crossfit Famalicão
15h45 Acrodance demonstration - Gymnastics Association ESACRO (Stage)
16h30 Dancing demonstration - Gindança Academy

20th September
14h30 Placement of bicycle racks and awareness session Bicycle use and care, at Arnoso S. Maria Primary School

21st and 22nd September
From 10h00 to 12h00 and from 14h00 to 16h30
Rides - Animation throughout September 21 and 22 

22nd September
Promotion of the European Car Free Day 
Location: Freguesia de Ribeirão - Rua do Centro Escolar
Schedule: 10h00 - 17h00    
Public: Population in general
Organisation: Mobility and Road Safety Departments
- Several recreational, educational and sports activities.

- Escola de Educação Rodoviária (Road Education School) - Mobility and Road Safety Department
- Traditional games area - Mobility and Road Safety Department
- Discover uMseu" - Museums Network 
- Artistic ceramics workshop - Castro Alves Foundation
- Sports activities - Sports Department
- Exhibition and experimentation of old bicycles - ARDLA Associação Recreativa Desportiva Lazer Ave
- Dancing demonstrations - M Dancers Academy

Partners: Apolo Famalicão; An Dança – Conservatório de Dança; Gindança - Associação Ginástica e Dança VNF; Associação de  Ginástica ESACRO; Centro de Solidariedade de Braga/Projeto Homem nas 3 respostas em Famalicão: Mais Vale Prevenir, Fénix e Projetando Vida; Famabike; Fitness UP Famalicão; Afa Cycles, Famalicense Atlético Clube - FAC Andebol; Famalicense Atlético Clube  - FAC Basquetebol; CROSSFIT Famalicão; Viva Light Healthclub; FamaBasket; Fundação Castro Alves; Urbidente - Centro de Medicina Dentária e Implantologia, Lda; Minho Form; ARDLA - Associação Recreativa Desportiva Lazer Ave José Gomes; M Dancers Academy

431 readings